ECSL Young Lawyers' Symposium
Saturday 18 March 2017 -
Monday 13 March 2017
Tuesday 14 March 2017
Wednesday 15 March 2017
Thursday 16 March 2017
Friday 17 March 2017
Saturday 18 March 2017
Registration (ESA HQ Lobby)
Registration (ESA HQ Lobby)
09:00 - 09:30
Words of Welcome
Nicholas Puschman
Words of Welcome
Nicholas Puschman
09:30 - 09:45
Room: Room B
Keep the Feet on the Moon - the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Regime for the Village
Laura Wanlu Zhang
International Institute of Air and Space Law (Leiden University)
Keep the Feet on the Moon - the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction Regime for the Village
Laura Wanlu Zhang
International Institute of Air and Space Law (Leiden University)
09:45 - 09:55
Words of Welcome
Words of Welcome
09:45 - 10:45
Made in Space: Legal Issues in 3D Printing a Moon Village
Deepika Jeyakodi
Airbus Defence and Space
Made in Space: Legal Issues in 3D Printing a Moon Village
Deepika Jeyakodi
Airbus Defence and Space
09:55 - 10:05
The Moon Village vs. the US Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act: The Legal Implications of the Exploration and Exploitation of Outer Space
Georgia-Maria (Yolanda) Kalogirou
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
The Moon Village vs. the US Commercial Space Launch Competitiveness Act: The Legal Implications of the Exploration and Exploitation of Outer Space
Georgia-Maria (Yolanda) Kalogirou
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
10:05 - 10:15
Legal Challenges Relating to the Moon Village Concept: Innovative Architectures vis-à-vis "Old" Legal Issues
Elena Carpanelli
University of Parma
Legal Challenges Relating to the Moon Village Concept: Innovative Architectures vis-à-vis "Old" Legal Issues
Elena Carpanelli
University of Parma
10:15 - 10:25
10:25 - 10:45
Coffee Break
Coffee Break
10:45 - 11:15
Room: Room B
Intellectual Property Rights in Outer Space
Hamza Hameed
Space Generation Advisory Council
Intellectual Property Rights in Outer Space
Hamza Hameed
Space Generation Advisory Council
11:15 - 11:25
11:15 - 12:15
Room: Room B
50 Years of the Outer Space Treaty - Addressing Future Challenges within the Existing Framework
Margaux Morssink
Agentschap Telecom
50 Years of the Outer Space Treaty - Addressing Future Challenges within the Existing Framework
Margaux Morssink
Agentschap Telecom
11:25 - 11:35
The Unsuitability of International Space Law to Regulate NewSpace
Raphael Costa
Institute of Aviation, Space and Telecommunications Law (IDEST, University of Paris-Saclay)
The Unsuitability of International Space Law to Regulate NewSpace
Raphael Costa
Institute of Aviation, Space and Telecommunications Law (IDEST, University of Paris-Saclay)
11:35 - 11:45
Space Mining: Towards a New Legal Framework
Anne-Sophie Martin
Sapienza University of Rome
Space Mining: Towards a New Legal Framework
Anne-Sophie Martin
Sapienza University of Rome
11:45 - 11:55
11:55 - 12:15
International Cooperation as an Essential Part of the Galileo Programme
Tugrul Cakir
University of Lyon III
International Cooperation as an Essential Part of the Galileo Programme
Tugrul Cakir
University of Lyon III
12:15 - 12:25
12:15 - 13:15
Room: Room B
Exploring the Bottom-Up Approaches to International Governance of Space
Tomas Hrozensky
Slovak Space Policy Association
Exploring the Bottom-Up Approaches to International Governance of Space
Tomas Hrozensky
Slovak Space Policy Association
12:25 - 12:35
The Choice of Forum for a Negotiation of a Comprehensive Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in the Outer Space Treaty
Mark Shapiro
Leiden University
The Choice of Forum for a Negotiation of a Comprehensive Prevention of the Placement of Weapons in the Outer Space Treaty
Mark Shapiro
Leiden University
12:35 - 12:45
Soft Law Realisation in the Context of the Principles Relevant to the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space: Case Study of the Russian Federation, USA and European Union
Irina Chernykh
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
Soft Law Realisation in the Context of the Principles Relevant to the Use of Nuclear Power Sources in Outer Space: Case Study of the Russian Federation, USA and European Union
Irina Chernykh
Peoples' Friendship University of Russia
12:45 - 12:55
12:55 - 13:15
Closing Remarks
Closing Remarks
13:15 - 13:30
Room: Room B