Advances on Radiation and Plasma Monitoring Workshop

Newton (Noordwijk)



Alessandra Menicucci (ESA/ESTEC)
The workshop on "Advances on Space Radiation and Plasma Environment Monitoring, Data Analysis Methods and Flight Opportunities Workshop" is the forth of a series of workshops proposed under the auspices of the Space Environments and Effects Network of Technical Competences established to further cooperation in Europe. The number of flying or ready to fly European radiation and plasma instruments has increased significantly since the last SEENoTC workshop on the subject in 2008 and a round-table at CNES in 2009. Research programmes have also made good progresses in investigating innovative technologies and new concepts designs which will allow a substantial reduction of mass, power and data rate budgets compared to traditional instrumentation, whilst providing equivalent or higher detection efficiency. With many future missions in Navigation, Telecommunications, Exploration, Science, GMES domains flying in severe radiation environments and carrying highly sensitive components and systems, the need for such radiation instrumentation is increasing. Accurate measurements of the Space Environment plays also a crucial role in improvement of radiation enviroment models and the development of the space weather services required by the Space Situational Awareness programme. The intention of this workshop is to provide a venue for discussing the latest developments on space plasma and radiation environments and effects instrumentation, to examine possible flight opportunities for such instruments, and to establish the necessary technical and management steps necessary to ensure collaboration on future data analyses, databases, data sharing, and lessons learned from flight experience. It will also allow further discussion and capture of explicit experiment needs and further the harmonization of cooperation on instrument development, flight plans and data exploitation.