16 October 2019
Europe/Paris timezone

ESA is organizing for the 3rd year a workshop on the REACH regulation and its impact on space sector with focus on space transportation to be held at:

European Space Agency ESA Headquarters Daumnesil,
52 rue Hilairet 
75012 Paris 

16th October 2019 at the

VINCI Conference Room,  starting 09:30.


The constant evolution of REACH regulation for the benefit of human health and to further protect the Earth environment makes us to evaluate its impact on the ongoing Space Transportation activities and beyond, The workshop will address the risks and challenges for ongoing space activities, how space industry has integrated this regulation in ongoing space activities but also from the start of future space programmes.


This workshop will also present the latest work on promising alternatives in space industry, space agencies, research institutes.


As last year, the workshop opens the discussion to a non-space sector: the industry of Aeronautics. The exchange of views will add to the debate on REACH management in each sector highlighting the differences but also the similarities.


Different speakers from agencies and European industry will bring their view to these questions:


  • What is the Present status of REACH regulation evolution from last workshop
  • What are the latest REACH regulations impacting space sector?
  • How space sector is adapting to this increasing European regulation and what are the present challenges?
  • How other sectors are managing this regulation in their specific domain?
  • How REACH regulation will evolve in the future?
  • How space sector takes this opportunity for innovating in new technologies?
  • How European industry is preparing for Brexit depending on scenarios?

Agenda can be found here.

24 rue du Général BERTRAND 75007 PARIS France
Registration for this event is currently open.