STEAM/G-CLASS/Hydroterra Open Science Meeting




Keplerlaan 1 2201 AZ Noordwijk The Netherlands

This open science meeting is triggered by the recent closure of an ESA activity (funded by its General Studies Programme - GSP) called "Next advances in the synergistic use of high-resolution numerical atmosphere models with spaceborne systems" that was renamed to STEAM by the consortium led by CIMA Research Foundation. At the same time, the Agency has started the deliberations on the Earth Explorer 10 candidate missions, one of which - i.e. G-CLASS/Hydroterra - has the primary science objective that is closely linked to the work performed within STEAM. 

The Open Science Meeting is therefore an opportunity to exchange ideas between various groups working on one of the main science objective of G-CLASS/Hydroterra, i.e. targeting the observation of the key processes of the daily water cycle to improve prediction capability of intense rainfall and related flooding and landslides, to improve the understanding of the diurnal water cycle and to enable the near real time prediction of ground motion.

The Open Science Meeting will cover the following topics: 

  • Impact of assimilating Copernicus Sentinel products into numerical weather predictions;
  • Turbulence characterisation through large eddy simulation driven by Copernicus Sentinel products;
  • Copernicus Sentinel products to catch volcanic eruptions;
  • Future opportunities in meteo-hydrology arising from geosynchronous SAR observations;
  • Copernicus Sentinel data in support of value-added Information services for sustainable Growth in Africa (H2020 TWIGA and H2020 Africultures);
  • GEOSS for Disasters in Urban Environment (H2020 E-SHAPE project).

The preliminary agenda and timetable for the event is shown below hereto. In case you wish to attend, please complete the registration form.

Link: How to get to ESTEC?

Information regarding hotels and transportation can be found in the attachment.