ATD3 Working Group Activities



Cristina De Persis (ESA), Eva-Marie Dupuy (ESA), Julien Annaloro (CNES), Louis Walpot (ESA/TEC-MPA), Orr Cohen


The ATD3 working group is a regular forum aimed to facilitate the discussions (at technical and scientific level), collect and disseminate information, propose new topics/activities and plan (roadmap definition and coordination).

The main objectives of the group are:

  • Setting of a framework for verification, validation and comparison of numerical methods for space object reentry simulation tools. It is widely acknowledge that current state of the art tools feature strong modelling assumptions that introduce largely unquantified errors in the simulation deteriorate our capability to perform design for demise. For this reason, the WG organizes yearly a test cases collaboration campaign.
  • Disseminating recent results within the ATD3 community. Members include academics ( in particular PhD students) and experts from industry that can share recent results and on-going activities founded by ESA and CNES.
  • Coordinating and discussing future activities. The objective is to get expert opinion from the academic and industry sector regarding future activity in the domain of aerothermodynamics and  design for demise.


Registration is allowed only by invitation.


  • Adam Pagan
  • Agnes Chan
  • Alessandro Turchi
  • Alexandre Achille Looten
  • Andrew Lock
  • Antonio Caiazzo
  • Antonio Esposito
  • Antonio Schettino
  • Arnaud Francois
  • Beatriz Jilete
  • Benoit Bonvoisin
  • Bernd Helber
  • Bodo Reimann
  • Byrenn Birch
  • Celine Baranger
  • Cristina De Persis
  • Damien Toussaint
  • Daniel Gabor Kovacs
  • David Buttsworth
  • Dominique Charbonnier
  • Dominique Pirotais
  • Eddy Constant
  • Eva-Marie Dupuy
  • Fabian Zander
  • Fabio Morgado
  • Federico Bariselli
  • Flynn Hack
  • Flynn Hack
  • Francesca Letizia
  • Frederic Payot
  • Gerard Armstrong
  • Gianpiero Colonna
  • Giuseppe Pascazio
  • Guillaume Grossir
  • Guillermo Ortega
  • Ian Holbrough
  • Ingo Jahn
  • Ingrid Lepot
  • James Beck
  • Jan Vos
  • Jean-Marc Bouilly
  • Jean-Philippe Préaud
  • Jeroen Van den Eynde
  • John Smith
  • Juan Félix San Juan Díaz
  • Julien ANNALORO
  • Konstantinos Kontis
  • Louis Walpot
  • Luca Ferracina
  • Luigi Cutrone
  • Luke Doherty
  • Maciej Grybko
  • Marco Fossati
  • Marie-Christine DESJEAN
  • Mario Lino da Silva
  • Martin Spel
  • Michael Probyn-Skoufa
  • Mihai-Victor Pricop
  • Nathalie Dias
  • Olivier Chazot
  • Orr Cohen
  • Patrik Kärräng
  • Philippe Meyers
  • Pierre Schrooyen
  • Pierre Van Hauwaert
  • Pierre-Henri Maire
  • Pénélope Leyland
  • Silvia Sanvido
  • Simone Del Monte
  • Stefan Loehle
  • Stephane Galera
  • Stephane Heinrich
  • Stijn Lemmens
  • Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu
  • Thorn Schleutker
  • Tobias Lips
  • Valentin Ledermann
  • Valère Girardin
  • Yannick Hoarau
  • Ysolde Prevereaud