9th European Space Propulsion System Simulation (ESPSS) Workshop

Einstein Conference Room (ESTEC, The Netherlands)

Einstein Conference Room

ESTEC, The Netherlands


Following the needs of the European Space Propulsion Community, a first workshop on ESPSS was collocated with the ESA Space Propulsion 2012 Conference at Bordeaux.  Due to its success and on users’ request, ESA-ESTEC responsible for the ESPSS development is now preparing a 9th ESPSS workshop covering the following topics: 

  • Latest improvements of ESPSS v3.8.0
  • Industrial validation and simulations
  • Problems’ handling and suggestions
  • Next steps after ESPSS v3.8.0

To start, a general overview of the European Space Propulsion System Simulation will be given by ESA and Empresarios Agrupados Internacional (EAI), where the main capabilities of the EcosimPro tool and the ESPSS libraries will be explained, as well as the status of the main developments that are currently ongoing in ESPSS.

The floor will be then opened to industrial and researcher institution users providing the opportunity to present different suggestions and questions stated by the different  users and attendants, based on their experience and wishes. 

The workshop will end with a session where all the users can suggest extensions and improvements of the tool to address their new needs for future applications. 

The objective of the workshop is twofold. The first is to highlight the upgrades realized both on EcosimPro Platform and the ESPSS toolkit along with new extensions. These upgrades and extensions will be presented directly by the related developers. The other goal is to reinforce the constructive feed-back on the simulation tool in which the experience of developers and users are openly discussed providing the basis for future improvements of the EcosimPro/ESPSS tool environment. Therefore, ESPSS users are encouraged to elaborate and provide specific test cases upfront for troubleshooting and support during the workshop.

The agenda of the workshop will include (see 'Provisional Schedule' tab for details):

  • ESPSS General Information and Status Overview
  • ESPSS overview: latest version
  • Interactive problems handling: based on provided presentations and ESPSS models
  • Suggestion for extensions and improvements: feedback from users
  • Advanced ESPSS training (last day)

The advanced ESPSS training will include the following topics:

  • Water Hammer and Priming simulations
  • Complete Rocket Cycle Examples
  • General Tips for slow computations, optimization of performance
  • Adding new Fluids to ESPSS
  • Flushing, cleaning cryogenic lines
  • RENDER library
  • Python, MATLAB and other connections
  • Optimization
  • Real Time/Virtual Commissioning 

Registration is free of charge but is required for participation and is restricted to organisations from ESA Member States and Associate Member States.

ESPSS model in header: Pressure-fed engine with liquid film cooling