European Space Radiation Shielding Workshop

ESCAPE Tennis Hall (ESA / ESTEC)

ESCAPE Tennis Hall


Keplerlaan 1, 2201AZ Noordwijk, The Ntherlands


Radiation shielding is essential to protect sensitive space hardware from the space environment, especially electronics and electrical systems, as well as for protection of crew for human spaceflight. Its optimisation is critical for all space systems, and is considered to be one of the biggest challenges for future exploration of the Moon and Mars. 

This short workshop aims to map the current state of the art in Europe in the field of radiation shielding for space applications, and to define areas for future research. This will include traditional approaches to radiation shielding as well novel shielding techniques which could be enabling technologies for future missions. 

Experts working in non-space domain are also very welcome to attend. 


Workshop format

The format will be quite flexible, consisting of a combination of key note lectures, presentations, short pitches and posters. Space will also be available for product/company display if required. There will be sufficient time for discussion and networking during the breaks. The workshop is in-person only.