Miniaturised multi-function antenna system (ViaSat Antenna Systems)

5 Oct 2015, 10:15
Newton (ESA/Estec)



Keplerlaan 1 2200AG Noordwijk


The objective in this project has been to develop a tuneable UHF antenna system consisting of miniaturised radiating elements, capable of operation in three radiation modes. The end result is an Engineering Model and a design procedure supporting the customisation of the element to each mission scenario and platform. Improvements have been identified and the way forward to an EQN has been proposed. The main features are: • Miniaturized radiating elements (~λ⁄4) based on folded planar inverted F‐antenna (PIFA) • Simple geometry (few parts; low recurring cost) easily scalable up to L or S‐band • Radiating elements are independently mechanically tuneable to account for interactions on the platform • Multi‐mode antenna system operating in three considerably different modes demonstrated • Software‐predictable antenna system with an optimisation function for best tuning. The EM testing showed good electrical performances and tuneability, with room for further improvement, and compliance with space environmental requirements, despite the very demanding specifications.

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