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2 December 2015
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Antenna architectures and technologies for reduced beamwidth multiple beam coverage (TRP, 300 k€)

2 Dec 2015, 10:30
Newton 1 (ESA/Estec)

Newton 1


Keplerlaan 1 2200AG Noordwijk


Ka-band multimedia systems for Telecommunication mission offer larger frequency bands applications allowing higher data rates per user. A high system capacity implies a large number of beams to obtain an important reuse factor. One of the next challenging targets will be to provide a next generation of very compact feed able to comply with Ka-band multimedia system needs. The current design beam width is around 0.5° or larger, whilst the next generation of multiple beam antennas target beam width must be reduced down to 0.2° diameter, which requires a new feed design with reduced cross-section. This new highly compact RF chain also has to provide RF sensing capability in order to offer all the operational characteristics with respect to global multimedia mission requirements. The feed assembly could be placed anywhere in the focal plane, including in the middle of a feed cluster and thus has to have the same cross-section as a user feed chain without tracking system. This activity provided a trade-off between possible feed chain concepts and demonstrated the most promising through the manufacturing and test of an engineering model. The results achieved indicate the feasibility of a compact feed chain with tracking function fitting in a cylinder of 35 mm in diameter.

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