One of the problems of traditional Multi-Layer Insulation (MLI) blankets is the reflection of radio (particularly microwave) frequencies in its metallized surface. Such reflection equates to the one of a perfect electric conductor, and can pose a significant problem to the communication branch of the mission – it can generate sidelobes in unwanted angles and cross polarisation in circular polarised applications.
In this study HPS developed an MLI which is able to manage such reflections, and minimize them to an insignificant level.
The project objectives were to design, manufacture and characterize a MLI blanket that is capable of dealing with the high RF reflectivity of traditional MLI and thus reduce the coupling between antennas and multipath effects.
This novel MLI blanket is still able to:
1. maintain its primary thermal-optical functionality,
2. withstand the harsh space environment,
3. Be characterised with respected to their thermal-optical and electrical properties.
The key challenges of the project were to make use of available space qualified materials (with known outgassing, cleanliness, solvent compatibility proprieties and preferably ITAR free), using a technology to enable RF absorption in either C-band, Ku-band and/or Ka-band. In addition, the blanket shall perform, as good as a traditional MLI, withstanding temperatures up to 200 ºC. Best practices were also applied in order to be PIM-free, while including all grounding and venting requirements.
The results obtained at breadboard level will also be presented.