14 November 2016
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Ka-band interferometric SAR antenna system (TRP, 600 k€) - HPS GmbH (DE), RST AG (DE), OHB (DE), LuxSpace (LU)

14 Nov 2016, 11:45
Newton Meeting Room (ESA/Estec)

Newton Meeting Room


Keplerlaan 1 2200AG Noordwijk Netherlands


The objective of the activity is to study the Ka-band antenna subsystem for an interferometric SAR instrument utilising scan-on-receive technique. The activity includes the review and selection of a SAR instrument concept, design and analysis (RF, accommodation, mechanical, thermal, thermo-elastic) of the antenna subsystem, including the radiating apertures for both the Tx and Rx operations of the instrument, the corresponding passive RF feeding systems of the antennas, the antenna structures/supports, the deployment arms interconnecting the antenna to the host S/C, the HDRMs, the deployment and pointing mechanisms. A breadboard of the identified most critical component of the subsystem, identified in the RX feed array and the relative scan on receive BFN, provides the proof-of-concept.

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