Marek Banaszkiewicz
(Hertz Systems Ltd)Mr
(Hertz Systems Ltd sp. z o. o.)
The aim of the activity was to conduct a feasibility study of developing Remotely Disciplined Frequency and Time Standard module (RDFTS) capable to deliver GNSS position and provide precise time and frequency to various spacecraft subsystems. The design goals set for the project and corresponding analyses done at the feasibility stage proved better frequency and time stability than oscillators used so far in space missions. On the short time scale (milliseconds) RDFTS can improve the performance of spacecrafts instruments and secure their long term stability.
The architecture of proposed solution includes build-in GNSS receiver. It is also ready for other external reference sources – e.g. signal from ground stations or other spacecrafts. It enables to create wide range of product families, for example frequency and time standards for interplanetary missions.
The parameters of the module defined during the feasibility study assume that the module will have short-term (<1s) stability of an OCXO and long-term (>>1s) stability of the GNSS network based on rubidium oscillators. The module will provide PPS signal and standard frequency of 10 MHZ and its weight, depending on mission requirements, will be maximum 3kg. RDFTS will have a holdover of: (~1us/day) and navigation signals will be provided on standard ports by SpaceWire, MIL-STD-1553, CAN. All important components of the module will be redundant.
On the basis of defined achievable parameters, many possible module applications have been identified:
– Satellite platform on-board computer (versus the newest avionics requirements for platform synchronization, on-board time reference & driving the TM/TC board synchronization input)
– Satellite communication systems (both platform and payload communication systems)
– Formation Flying missions
– Attitude and Orbit Control Systems
– Optical Instrumentation: image synchronization with AOCS
– Navigation systems and applications
– Satellite one-way doppler ranging with a better short-term accuracy as a two-way doppler ranging
– Space randez-vous
– Telecom application
– LEO constellation application
– Earth Observation Missions
– Radar systems (SAR, dopplerometrs, etc.)
– Laser altimeters
Small size and low power consumption of the module will satisfy future missions such as SAT-AIS PL, UV-SAT, Polish Dual Use observation satellite, Thales multiplatform mission.
In summary, the module can:
• Integrate time & frequency management functionality in one device
• Provide time & frequency source more precise than quartz oscillator
• Could be used as a Master Time Reference and replace more expensive atomic clocks
• Maintain high precision, even if synchronising signal is unavailable
• Provide position and receive, process and deliver signals from GPS, GALILEO and GLONASS.
Short Speaker Information
Marek Banaszkiewicz
Education: Ph.D. (Theoretical Physics, Warsaw University), Dr. Sci (Astrophysics)
Current job: International Cooperation, R&D for Space Technologies Director
Experience: 2014-2016 President of the Polish Space Agency, Director of Space Research Center, Technical Manager of the Polish Team in MUPUS experiment on Rosetta (1996-2000), Co-I on Cassini-Huygens, Rosetta, Herschel, Bepi-Colombo, Phobos-Grunt. Participated in more than 20 projects in SRC , including 6 projects of 6 & 7 FP.
Piotr Mielnik
Education: M.Sc. Engineer in Electronics, Military University of Technology, Faculty of Electronics in Warsaw
Current job: Military Navigation Systems Main Specialist
Selected Projects Experience:
Selected projects experience (last 3 years): 2016 - FLIRT-PL: Fitting LION Receiver Tests in Poland, Subcontractor, involved in preparing scenarios and realizing tests of GPS/GALILEO LION Airbus Receiver using Spirent Communications GNSS simulator GSS 9000. 2015 - PET/PCL radar (passive emitter tracking/passive coherent location), Subcontractor, responsible for equipment testing and software developing in the PET subsystems and system stations synchronization. 2014 - Network Centric Command and Reconnaissance Support System, Subcontractor, responsible for the application integrated data from avionics, communications and CCD camera equipment (Service Oriented Architecture). Participating in the flight test (as a co-pilot) with SONEX flying laboratory.
Polish Industry Incentive Scheme
BUDGET (k€) |
100.00 k€
ENTITIES (Including country) |
Hertz Systems Ltd (Poland), Space Research Centre (Poland), Thales Alenia Space France
Proposed Duration |
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