indico will be upgraded to the latest version on Tuesday 30th July. It may be unavailable all day.

18–19 Jun 2008
Europe/Amsterdam timezone


Day 1

18 Jun 2008, 09:30
Einstein (ESA/ESTEC)



Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Dr Eamonn Daly (European Space Agency)
18/06/2008, 09:30
BISA, Dr Daniel Heynderickx (DH Consultancy BVBA), Kai Ruhl (etamax)
18/06/2008, 09:45
Dr Frank Jansen (1A Greifswald), Prof. Rainer Hippler (University of Greifswald)
18/06/2008, 10:05
Florio Dalla Vedova (AMSAT Italia)
18/06/2008, 10:50
François Crespon (NOVELTIS), Giovanni Occhipinti (Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris)
18/06/2008, 11:30
Andy Shaw (ESYS), Bob Bentley (University College London), Bob Lunnon (UK Met Office), Bryn Jones (VAA), Graeme Taylor (UK NPL), Simon Clucas (QinetiQ)
18/06/2008, 12:15
Ludwik Liszka (Swedish Institute of Space Physics)
18/06/2008, 14:00
Dr Sebastien Bourdarie (ONERA)
18/06/2008, 14:45
Building timetable...