May 11 – 12, 2021
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

The proceedings and presentations of the workshop can now be downloaded (see below)!

The Flight Vehicles and Aerothermodynamics Engineering section (TEC-MPA) of ESTEC invites you to participate in the Workshop on Technology Ideas on Flight Vehicle and Fluid Dynamic Engineering. During this event, you will have the opportunity to be exposed to technology ideas delivered by the section members as short oral presentations (5-10 minutes each), followed by a round table discussion where you could share your feedback and ideas with us. Additionally, surveys will be conducted afterwards to allow to collect any additional idea or feedback you might have.

TEC-MPA will introduce and describe activity ideas with the aim to broadcast the intended and possible Invitations To Tender (ITT) that will be open in the near future. The output of the workshop will be used to compose an input for the upcoming TDE cycle, which execution is intended to take place in 2023-2024.

The topics of interest which will be presented are:

•            Developing and Improving Fluid Dynamics Tools and Techniques

•            Developing new capabilities and Maintaining Ground Testing Facilities

•            Developing and Enhancing Sensors and Measurements Techniques

•            Developing Flight Demonstrators and Flight Data Analysis Tools


The workshop will take place online over two days; May 11th and 12th 2021, and will be hosted on Webex. 

Registration is free of charge, however it is restricted to organisations from ESA Member States and Associate Member States.

We look forward to seeing you at the workshop.
