11–12 Dec 2013
UTC timezone

On-board Software Reference Architecture – Variability Management and Product Line Engineering

12 Dec 2013, 14:30


TO: Andreas Jung/Software Systems Division A major goal of the Space Avionics Open Interface Architecture (SAVOIR) standardisation initiative is to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and decrease development times. To this end, the SAVOIR-FAIRE working group aims to define a reference architecture for onboard software. This architecture is expected to provide benefits for all stakeholders, including customers (reduced development time and risk), system integrators (reduced time-to-market, and substitutability of components), and suppliers (technical stability, and diversified customer base). In this project, the OSRAc modelling technique is extended with variability concepts from software product line engineering, allowing the software for multiple space missions to be represented as a single product family. The architecture description profiles are extended with UML stereotypes to express the variation between products, and tools are provided to (1) represent these variations as a decision tree of configuration options, (2) interactively select the configuration for a specific mission, and (3) automatically derive a mission-specific software architecture from a given configuration.


Mr Botterweck Götz (Lero)

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