30 May 2024 to 1 June 2024
Erasmus Building, ESTEC
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Talk: Moon & Mars

31 May 2024, 14:45
Erasmus Building, ESTEC

Erasmus Building, ESTEC

Noordwijk, Netherlands


Stefaan De Mey James David Carpenter Elliot Sefton-Nash


The Moon & Mars Session will focus on the new European strategy for exploring Moon and Mars destinations in the coming decades, a top priority for the Agency. We'll start by delving into general aspects of this strategy, such as the development of technologies initially tailored for a specific destination and later re-scaled for others. Following that, we'll explore how Moon and Mars-specific science and technology developments contribute to the overall roadmap. Special speakers will cover each of these topics, and you'll have the opportunity to ask them all your burning questions!

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