30 May 2024 to 1 June 2024
Erasmus Building, ESTEC
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

ESA Datalabs Workshop 1: Galaxy classification with machine learning

31 May 2024, 14:45
Erasmus Building, ESTEC

Erasmus Building, ESTEC

Noordwijk, Netherlands


Take a dive in the world of machine learning applied to space science with our hands-on workshop, where we will delve into galaxy classification. In less than one hour, we will build a machine learning pipeline on ESA datalabs to classify the images from the MNIST-galaxy dataset. Discover with us how to accelerate your projects with off-the-shelf models, facilitate hyperparameters optimization, and streamline your workflows with data versioning and automated pipelines for machine learning thanks to ESA Datalabs. No matters your data science skills, join us for an immersive experience in the depths of the universe!

Requirements: basic python

Presentation materials

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