30 May 2024 to 1 June 2024
Erasmus Building, ESTEC
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

ESA Datalabs Workshop 2: Euclid image data processing

31 May 2024, 14:45
Erasmus Building, ESTEC

Erasmus Building, ESTEC

Noordwijk, Netherlands


Join us for a hands-on astronomical image processing workshop where you get the chance to work with the very first Euclid images ever released! Using the ESA Datalabs platform, you don’t have to worry about downloading any data or installing packages and can focus on the science without the hassle. Come and find out: what data Euclid collects and how? What does the raw data look like and how do we get from there to the dazzling screensaver-worthy images we saw in the press release?

Requirements: basic python, no prior astronomical image processing experience needed - just enthusiasm for space

Presentation materials

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