Oct 1 – 2, 2024
Fraunhofer EMI
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

This event is the fourth iteration of the European hypervelocity impact risk assessment forum. The topical focus of this event is on in-situ spacecraft data and environment modelling. In addition, the topic of Space Debris Mitigation (zero debris approach) can be addressed.

Any contribution related to the scope is welcome. This is an indicative list of related questions:

  • What kind of impact related spacecraft datasets are there? For example dedicated instruments, impact plasma, radio waves, attitude disturbances etc.
  • What models are there to predict impacts onto spacecraft and how do they compare to each other? (e.g. ORDEM and MASTER or MEM and IMEM)
  • How well do model predictions compare to inflight observations?
  • How do we mitigate the release of further debris into the environment?


The meeting includes two technical sessions with participant contributions to the topical focus. There will be room for discussing specific and programmatic issues in the context of debris-related risk assessment. A lab tour at EMI hypervelocity facility concludes the first day. 

A dedicated interactive session is intended at the end of the event to exchange on the event and streamline a way forward towards future events.

In-person participation to the event is strongly encouraged. Remote participation to the meeting is intended to be possible - to be detailed later.

Fraunhofer EMI
Seminar room
Ernst-Zermelo-Straße 4 79104 Freiburg, Germany
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The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.