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1–2 Oct 2024
Fraunhofer EMI
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Participant List

17 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Agnese Dacunto Thales Alenia Space Italy
Christian Puillet CNES
Christos Belogiannis University of Thessaly, department of Mechanical Engineering
Detlef Koschny TU Munich
Dwayne Triplett Jr
Jon Tandy University of Kent
Mark Burchell School of Physics and Astronomy, Univ. of Kent
Mark Millinger European Space Agency
Martin Schimmerohn Fraunhofer EMI
Penelope Wozniakiewicz University of Kent
Rannveig Færgestad
Vithurshan Suthakar York University
Zoe Emerland Open University
4 more participants