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Space Environments and Effects Final Presentation Days 2014

Einstein and ESCAPE (ESA / ESTEC)

Einstein and ESCAPE


Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
Eamonn Daly (European Space Agency)

TEC-EES Final Presentation Days 2014

A Final Presentation Days event was held on the 4th and 5th of November, 2014 at ESTEC in the Einstein lecture theatre, organised by ESA's Space Environments and Effects (TEC-EES) section.

The agenda is available from the Timetable links on the left.

Presentations are being made available from the agenda and shared with attendees and ESA colleagues. Please register for the event on Indico, even if you did not attend, so that we have you in our lists for sharing the material.

The event, which included final presentations and status reports from a wide range of ongoing R&D activities, was followed on Friday in the same week by a Geant4-DNA tutorial.


For information please write to Giovanni Santin
Registration Form
  • Alexi Glover
  • Arnaud Zaslavsky
  • Arzu Mert
  • Carlos Armiens
  • Cesare Lobascio
  • Christophe Inguimbert
  • Daniel Heynderickx
  • Ed Kuijpers
  • Erwin De Donder
  • Fan Lei
  • Francesco Cafagna
  • Francesco Romano
  • Gareth Lawrence
  • Guilhem Chanteperdrix
  • Heilimo Jyri
  • Henning Wulf
  • Ingmar Sandberg
  • Jean-Charles MATEO-VELEZ
  • Martina Giraudo
  • Mathias Cyamukungu
  • Mathieu Karamitros
  • Michel Kruglanski
  • Neophytos Messios
  • Pete Truscott
  • Peter Beck
  • renaud mangeret
  • Sebastien Incerti
  • Sergio Ibarmia
  • Sébastien Hess
  • Vladimir Ivantchenko
  • Václav Štěpán
  • Tuesday 4 November
    • 09:30 09:45
      Introduction 15m Einstein


      ESA / ESTEC

      Speaker: Dr Eamonn Daly (European Space Agency)
    • 09:45 11:00
      Executive summaries, short, one per activity 1h 15m Einstein


      ESA / ESTEC

      Speaker: Dr Eamonn Daly (European Space Agency)
    • 11:00 11:30
      Coffee break 30m Einstein and ESCAPE

      Einstein and ESCAPE

      ESA / ESTEC

      Keplerlaan 1 2201AZ Noordwijk ZH The Netherlands
    • 11:30 18:05
      Final Presentations: Day 1 Einstein


      ESA / ESTEC

      • 11:30
        Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre: Phase 1 45m
        Activity: GSTP Contractor(s): KUL, BIRA-IASB, ROB, VKI, DHC, SAS Technical Officer: Piers Jiggens Summary: Space weather is a highly complex multi-disciplinary field covering a range of different domains where different physics dominate. End-to-end systems of coupled space weather models are the ultimate forecast and specification tools and the basis for data assimilation. Ultimately such a system would allow coupled models to recreate the magnetic and particle environment from the surface of the Sun to the Earth’s atmosphere. The analysis of their performances helps to define space weather data and modelling requirements. Europe has strong modelling activities and expertise in a variety of domains which are potentially suitable for integration in a comprehensive global model. Space weather domains include: solar corona, inner heliosphere (including solar wind, CME and SEP propagation), magnetosphere (including trapped radiation belt models), ionosphere and thermosphere. Combining such models is a challenge bot scientifically and computationally. The Virtual Space Weather Modelling Centre (VSWMC) is a concept for creating a system framework which would be able to orchestrate model simulation runs and coupled simulation runs for the purposes of end-to-end Space Weather forecasting. This activity was the first phase in a long-term planned development of a VSWMC and covered the derivation of system requirements, creation of a feasible architecture design and the implementation of a prototype system to test the interfacing of models and data as a proof-of-concept. The system presented includes a run-time infrastructure with harmonised interfacing and tools for models to be coupled together without the requirement to drastically modify the model code. The architecture allows for a distributed system which can best take advantage of computing infrastructure while allowing modellers to protect their intellectual property.
        Speaker: Prof. Stefaan Poedts (KU Leuven)
      • 12:15
        3-d energetic electron spectrometer (3DEES) 45m
        Activity: GSTP 5.3 Contractor(s): UCL/CSR, QinetiQ Space NV, BIRA-IASB Technical Officer: David Rodgers Summary: The 3DEES instrument provides high fidelity directional measurements of the energy spectra and temporal variations of energetic electrons encountered in near-Earth space. The instrument covers the electron energy ranges required as input to space weather models and products and relevant for future European missions and technologies encountering the outer radiation belt environment. A number of concepts were developed and studied. For each option, mass, complexity and power requirements as well as requirements for placement on spacecraft were analysed. From these options, the best candidate was chosen and prototyped. Unit and system testing of the prototype was performed.
        Speaker: Dr Mathias Cyamukungu (UCL/CSR)
      • 13:00
        Lunch 1h
      • 14:00
        Near Surface Dusty Plasma Environments 1 30m
        Activity: GSP Contractor(s): FMI, IRF, UBe, Arquimea Technical Officer: Fabrice Cipriani Summary: Dust above the lunar surface has an importance both for science and for technology. Dust particles are electrically charged due to impact of the solar radiation onto the particles, and therefore, they affect the plasma above the lunar surface. Dust is also a health hazard for crewed missions because micron and submicron sized dust particles can be toxic and cause injuries to the human body. Dust also causes malfunctions in mechanical devices and is therefore a risk for spacecraft and instruments on the lunar surface. Properties of dust particles above the lunar surface are not fully known, however it can be stated that the high-surface area due to the irregular shape and broken chemical bonds on surface of each dust particle together with the reduced lunar environment cause the dust particles to be very reactive. One critical unknown factor is the electric field and the electric potential near the lunar surface. In the presentation we introduce a new modelling suite, DPEM (Dusty Plasma Environments: near-surface characterization and Modelling), to study dust environments of the Moon and other airless bodies globally and locally. The DPEM model combines three independent kinetic models: (1) a 3D hybrid model, where ions are modelled as particles, and electrons are modelled as a charge neutralizing fluid, (2) a 2D electrostatic Particle-in-Cell (PIC) model where both ions and electrons are treated as particles, and (3) a 3D Monte Carlo (MC) model where dust particles are modelled as test particles. The models are linked to each other unidirectionally: The hybrid model provides upstream plasma parameters to the PIC model which gives the surface potential to the MC model. We illustrate the prospective of the modelling suite by showing test runs which have been made to derive 3D dust density profiles around the Moon, the Martian moon Phobos and the asteroid RQ36.
        Speaker: Prof. Esa Kallio (Finnish Meteorological Institute)
      • 14:30
        Near Surface Dusty Plasma Environments 2 30m
        Activity: GSP Contractor(s): ONERA, Lancaster University, Leuven University, Stuttgart University Technical Officer: Fabrice Cipriani Summary: The Apollo missions demonstrated that the lunar regolith, composed of very small dusts of micron to sub-micron sizes, is a potential threat to any mission on or close to the moon surface. The lunar dusts are highly adhesive due to their small size and their electrostatic charge. These dusts are also highly abrasive, so that friction with surfaces can wear down materials and reduce material lifetimes. Dusts also pose a potential health hazard to astronauts. The electrostatic charging of the lunar dusts is suspected to be a key ingredient of the observation of dust “levitation” above the lunar surface and of the formation of a dust haze that may extend to several tens of kilometers in altitude. Using the Spacecraft Plasma Interaction Software (SPI), we investigate the dust charging on the lunar and asteroid soils, their emission and their dynamics in the plasma. This implies the determination and implementation of a model of the photo-electron sheath above the irregular lunar surface, of a model of the dust charging and emission, and of a model of the dust coupling with the plasma. We present these models and their implementation, as well as the results we obtained concerning the emission and dynamics of the dusts above the asteroid and lunar surfaces, for different solar zenith angle.
        Speaker: Dr Sebastien Hess (ONERA)
      • 15:00
        Coffee break 30m
      • 15:30
        Antenna noise spectroscopy for space weather monitoring 45m
        Activity: GSP Contractor(s): FMI, LESIA/Observatoire de Paris, BIRA Technical Officer: Fabrice Cipriani Summary: Ambient space plasma can induce electrostatic noise in a linear antenna onboard a spacecraft. The noise intensity spectrum as a function of frequency depends on the plasma parameters. The phenomenon can be utilised for inferring the plasma parameters if one measures the induced noise by a sensitive radio receiver. It has been demonstrated in several space missions that the technique is able to uncover the correct plasma parameters. In PIANOS project we assess to what extent the noise measurement technique could be used to monitor key parameters of space weather in various relevant regions at low cost. We review the properties of the target plasmas, consider different antenna geometries and their deployment strategies as well as data analysis methods and algorithms. To enable low-cost space weather monitoring by the noise spectroscopy method, we recommend a roadmap of technology developments activities including CubeSat demonstrations.
        Speakers: Dr Hervé Lamy (BIRA), Dr Karine Issautier (LESIA), Prof. Pekka Janhunen (FMI), Dr Petri Toivanen (FMI)
      • 16:15
        Passive discharging of electrical potential by electron field emission 45m
        Activity: GSP Contractor(s): ONERA Technical Officer: David Rodgers Summary: Active electron guns or plasma emitters have been used to control spacecraft potential. The main aim of this GSP activity study was to examine whether a purely passive electron emitter could be used to control hazardous levels of spacecraft charging. The capabilities of existing low-power active emitters and passive devices were investigated and the theoretical and practical advances in emitter technology were studied. A conceptual design for a passive charge control system was developed and then validated and optimised using simulations of the SPIS code. The final design includes a number of novel features for which a patent application has been submitted.
        Speaker: Dr Jean-Charles MATEO-VELEZ (ONERA)
  • Wednesday 5 November
    • 09:30 16:30
      Final Presentations: Day 2 Einstein


      ESA / ESTEC

      • 09:30
        ROSSINI: Radiation Shielding by ISRU and/or innovative materials for EVA, vehicles and habitat. 45m
        Activity: TRP Contractor(s): Thales Alenia Space (I), GSI (D), SpaceIT (CH). Technical Officer: Alessandra Menicucci Summary: SPE (Solar Particle Events) and GCR (Galactic Cosmic Rays) are the two main components of the space radiation environment that pose a great risk to the human health during an interplanetary human exploration mission. While SPE fluxes can be mitigated using well known plastic materials, astronauts involved in future long exploration missions (e.g. Mars) will be exposed also to a GCR radiation environment that is not easy to shield maintaining at the same time the mission feasibility due to the high energies and mass of the particles involved. The aim of the “ROSSINI" (RadiatiOn Shielding by ISRU and INnovative materIals for EVA, vehicles and habitats) project was to investigate shielding materials to be used in deep space and planetary exploration. Simulants of materials that can be found on Moon and Mars planetary surfaces (e.g., regolith) and innovative materials rich in Hydrogen have been selected and tested with high energy (2.5 GeV) protons and 1 GeV/n Fe-56 ions (taken as representative of the whole GCR spectrum). Dose reduction, Bragg peak and neutron yield have been calculated on a subset of the irradiated targets. Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations through Geant4 Radiation Analysis for Space (GRAS) tools have been performed and compared to the obtained experimental data, to benchmark the computer codes. Finally, a simplified inflatable habitat for exploration missions has been defined using the innovative materials evaluated in the ROSSINI study and 3D Geant4 Monte Carlo simulations have been performed, to compare the dose reduction resulting inside the simplified habitat with different shielding solutions.
        Speaker: Ms Martina Giraudo (Thales Alenia Space Italia S.p.a.)
      • 10:15
        Radiation biological end effects models and interfaces to physics models (BioRad II) 45m
        Activity: TRP Contractor(s): CENBG/CNRS (F, prime), G4AI (UK), INFN (I), NPI (CZ) Technical Officer: Giovanni Santin Summary: Significant risks for the health of crew members induced by space radiation will be encountered in any future human mission to the Moon, Mars or asteroids. Reduction of uncertainties in understanding and modelling of biological end effects induced by space radiation environment has a direct impact on risk assessment capabilities, potentially enabling long duration interplanetary missions, which may now exceed radiation-induced risk limits, and is supporting mission design via improved accuracy in the effectiveness of radiation shielding (passive or active) and mitigation strategies. Experimental activities have also been initiated under Agency framework in the ground-based IBER programme and in the context of biology experiments on the ISS. Computational tools have been or are being developed that can predict the radiation "field" (particles, spectra, fluxes) within shielding and the body. The capabilities of nanoscale modelling in terms of prediction of effects ("biological end-points") still need however to be enhanced by establishing links to physical and chemical processes at cell and molecular levels, derivation of parameters that can be correlated to experimental biological observables, micro- and macroscopic statistical models (cell mortality, etc.), and overall risk assessment, and also need further validation against experimental data and improved ease of use. This activity developed advanced modelling capabilities to analyse in detail radiation biological end effects. Models are consistent with probable future adoption of radiation protection hazard parameters - alternatives to dose equivalent - that are under development. Comparisons and verifications of the models with macroscopic approaches and experimental data from the ISS and ground-based studies under the IBER programme and elsewhere were performed.
        Speaker: Dr Sebastien Incerti (CNRS)
      • 11:00
        Coffee break 30m
      • 11:30
        E2RAD 45m
        Activity: Strategic Initiative Contractor(s): Seibersdorf Laboratories, Kallisto Consultancy Technical Officer: Petteri Nieminen Summary: The Energetic Electrons Radiation Assessment (E2RAD) study focused on analysis of layered radiation shielding configurations targeted for the Jovian environment. Both experimental irradiations and numerical simulations were carried out for the electron energy of interest (5-50 MeV) and for a range of materials from Aluminum to Tantalum. Two basic configurations, a 2-D shielding layer and a 3-D box geometry, were studied. The most important overall results are that high-Z shielding materials (such as Lead or Tantalum) are preferable to light materials (such as Aluminum) in the Jovian environment, and that in the case of layered materials the order of the layers will make little difference, contrary to e.g. the near-Earth electron radiation environment. Some findings regarding differences between various radiation transport simulation software used in the course of the project are also discussed.
        Speaker: Dr Peter Beck (Seibersdorf Labor GmbH)
      • 12:15
        SPENVIS-IV 45m
        Activity: GSTP Contractor(s): BIRA (B), Rhea System(B) Technical Officer: Hugh Evans Summary: Since 1996, BIRA has been developing the ESA SPace ENVironment Information System (SPENVIS), a World Wide Web based interface to a comprehensive set of models of the space environment. SPENVIS has been operational for almost ten years now and has an international user community of about 2000 registered users who use the system for various purposes, e.g. mission analysis and planning, educational support, and running models for scientific applications. The system includes extensive background information on the space environment and the environment models, which is consulted very frequently.

        The development of SPENVIS was continued under a follow-up contract in order to:

        • implement new models and methods;
        • take advantage of new software technologies to make the system more responsive and maintainable;
        • maintain the system at BIRA and its mirror sites at ESTEC;continue the promotion of SPENVIS, including development and support of “stand-alone” versions, and follow-up of licensed copies;
        • development of an interface protocol for third party tools;
        • organization of the user workshops.
        Speaker: Dr Michel Kruglanski (BIRA-IASB)
      • 13:00
        Lunch 1h
      • 14:00
        Slot Region radiation model 45m
        Activity: TRP Contractor(s): NOA/IAASARS (GR), DHC(B), QinetiQ/Kallisto (UK) Technical Officer: Hugh Evans With the renewed interest in sighting satellites in the slot region the development of improved models is required. Traditionally the radiation environments for missions have been calculated for missions with lifetimes longer than a year using static models. These standard models do not provide accurate results for this region, where a statistical confidence level based approach may be more appropriate for supporting analysis of some radiation effects. In particular, the dynamics of the outer electron belt lend themselves to an analysis based on short term event identification and confidence levels. This activity continues the programme of previous ESA radiation belt modelling activities, such as the TREND and RERMM activities that have looked at the production of long term radiation environment models using a mean case environment based on geomagnetic indices. This activity produced models of the Earth’s radiation belts for the regions bounded by 1.2 ≤ L ≤ 4.5 REarth. The models provide the mean energetic particle fluxes for a given mission duration as determined by confidence level (probability that the fluxes will not be exceeded), and date and duration of the mission. In addition peak flux models were developed that provide the peak fluxes and duration over the mission for a given confidence level and phase of the solar cycle. The models energy ranges are commensurate with radiation effects calculations using the standard radiation environment effects tools.
        Speaker: Ingmar Sandberg (NOA)
      • 14:45
        AP9-AE9 investigation 30m
        Activity: INFRA Contractor(s): DHC (B) & Kallisto (UK) Technical Officer: Hugh Evans Summary: The radiation belts and plasma in the Earth’s magnetosphere pose hazards to satellite systems which restrict design and orbit options with a resultant impact on mission performance and cost. For decades the standard space environment specification used for spacecraft design has been provided by the NASA AE8 and AP8 trapped radiation belt models. There are well-known limitations on their performance, however, and the need for a new trapped radiation and plasma model has been recognized by the engineering community for some time. To address this challenge a new set of models, denoted AE9/AP9/SPM, for energetic electrons, energetic protons and space plasma has been developed. Fundamental to the model design, construction and operation are a number of new data sets and a novel statistical approach which captures first order temporal and spatial correlations allowing for the Monte-Carlo estimation of flux thresholds for user-specified percentile levels (e.g., 50th and 95th) over the course of the mission. These newly developed AE-9/AP-9 models are gradually being used by satellite companies for radiation analyses. Several model users from ESA member states have signalled significant differences in simulations performed with the new generation of models compared to AE-8/AP-8 results, prompting concern with industry, as radiation protection levels would be required to change significantly, potentially impacting on radiation design margins. A preliminary validation of the AE-9/AP-9 models has been performed, comparing the results of these new models against radiation environment datasets (CRRES/MEA, AZUR/EI-88, GioveB/SREM, INTEGRAL/IREM and SAMPEX/PET) as well as results from other radiation environment models for common orbits (SSO, GEO, GNSS, SSO).
        Speaker: Dr Daniel Heynderickx (DH Consultancy BVBA)
      • 15:15
        SREM and REM data consolidation 15m
        Activity: TAS Contractor(s): IAASARS (GR) & P. Buehler (A) Technical Officer: Hugh Evans Summary: ESA/ESTEC has developed and flown two generations of space radiation monitors: REM and SREM. The first generation, REM, was developed in the early ‘90s and flown on the STRV-1B and MIR space station. From the experience with this instrument, the SREM was developed and 10 units manufactured. SREM units have provided data on STRV-1C, PROBA-1, Integral, Rosetta, Giove-B, Herschel, and Planck. The instruments have been very well closely calibrated, allowing for easy comparisons of results from different regions of the magnetosphere and heliosphere. The data from the SREMs has been collected and processed by PSI and P. Buehler, providing regular count rate dataset updates in CDF format to the PSI SREM web site. This activity will consolidate the SREM dataset processing chains, cross calibrate the SREM flux data by comparison with other radiation measuring instruments, e.g. RBSP/Mageis and RBSP/REPT, and provide a review of the SREM radiation monitoring activity from instrument design to production of flux data and provision to the general public.
        Speaker: Ingmar Sandberg (NOA)
      • 15:30
        Coffee Break 30m
      • 16:00
        SEPCALIB 30m
        Activity: Engineering Support Tools Contractor(s): IASA Technical Officer: Piers Jiggens In the scope of the ESA SEPEM (Solar Energetic Particle Environment Modelling) project, in order to produce models of the solar proton environment, the data available needed to be processed and a new data set produced upon which statistical models could be run to produce long-term predictions of the environment. This calibration was done in a consistent way by scaling monitor data (which did not saturate) with science data (which had a better energy response) using a straight-line regression. Such cross-calibration is an essential step in reducing data uncertainties for SEP modelling activities. The calibration fits performed contained a good deal of scatter and the output SPE (solar particle event) fluence spectra were not entirely consistent with spectral forms published in literature. This was certainly due to the simplistic assumptions applied in the cross-calibration. In the SEPCALIB project the underlying data was re-assessed and one profoundly important instrument response error was uncovered affecting the data of the scientific instrument to which the data was being cross-calibrated. Furthermore, it was found that to cross-calibrate the dataset that the most important factor is the determination of the energy that corresponds to the radiation monitor measurements rather than to determine and apply a scaling factor to "correct" the fluxes. The results presented have been very well received by experts working with SEP measurements particularly those responsible for the radiation monitor datasets being cross-calibrated.
        Speaker: Ingmar Sandberg (NOA)