indico will be upgraded to the latest version on Tuesday 10th Decmeber. It may be unavailable all day.

9–10 Dec 2014
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Contribution List

23 / 23
09/12/2014, 08:00
Mr Kjeld Hjortnaes (ESA/ESTEC - Software Systems Division)
09/12/2014, 08:50
Ms Kim Sunesen (Recore Systems), Mr Staf Verhaegen (IMEC)
09/12/2014, 09:00
D. Lesens (Airbus DS), M. Bozzano (FBK)
09/12/2014, 13:30
Gregory Queré (Airbus DS), Poul Hougaard (TERMA)
09/12/2014, 14:20
Dr Jörg Supke, Rafael Sánchez-Beato Fernández
09/12/2014, 15:30
Martiño Saco (ESA/ESTEC)
09/12/2014, 16:20
10/12/2014, 08:00
Alan Senior (TAS UK)
10/12/2014, 09:20
Stuart Fowell (SciSys)
10/12/2014, 10:10
Pascale Lombardi (Syderal), Stéphane Humbert (Syderal)
10/12/2014, 11:20
Alberto Ferrazzi (TERMA)
10/12/2014, 12:10
10/12/2014, 13:00
Philippe Dallemagne (CSEM)
10/12/2014, 14:50
Stephan Kranz (Telespazio VEGA Deutschland GmbH)