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3–5 Feb 2015
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Very Large Order Switch Matrices using MEMS Technology

Not scheduled
Einstein Aj033 (ESA/ESTEC)

Einstein Aj033


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
Oral Presentation


Mr Marziale Feudale (Thales Alenia Space-Italia (Italy))


Scope of the activity was the study, design and implementation of a large order Switch matrix based of MEMS technology for applications to flexible satellite payloads. A 12x12 Switch Matrix Unit featuring silicon RF MEMS implemented on LTCC boards has been developed. It consists in a complete Engineering Model unit, housed in a aluminium box with RF and DC connectors for powering and commanding.

Primary author

Mr Marziale Feudale (Thales Alenia Space-Italia (I))

Presentation materials