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3–5 Feb 2015
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Temperature Compensation Techniques for Waveguide Filters, Manifold and Multiplexers

Not scheduled
Einstein Aj033 (ESA/ESTEC)

Einstein Aj033


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
Oral Presentation


Mr Christian Arnold (TESAT Spacecom (Germany))


The scope of the activity was to design a temperature compensated omux in Ka-band. The omux is a three channel omux manufactured from aluminium half-shells. The length of the manifold is sufficient to accommodate 12 channels. The channel filters can be integrated with the manifold in a common aluminium half-shell. They are operated in TE011 mode, which is very suited for applications with non-contacting tuning plungers. The filters employ temperature compensation units to compensate the thermal expansion of the aluminium. The compensation unit consists of a housing containing a bimetal and a tuning plunger. The bimetal moves the tuning plunger into the filter cavity as the temperature becomes higher, thus shortening the resonator. A similar compensation mechanism is used for the manifold, a resonator in parallel to the manifold is used to compensate the phase change due to manifold expansion. The omux is operated in the ka-band (frequency range 19.7-20.2 GHz). The channel filters can sustain input powers of more than 250 W in nominal as well as in band-edge operation.

Primary author

Mr Christian Arnold (TESAT Spacecom (Germany))


Mr G. Binder (TESAT Spacecom - Germany) Mr J. Parlebas (TESAT Spacecom - Germany) Mr M. Abele (TESAT Spacecom - Germany) Mr M. Franz (TESAT Spacecom - Germany)

Presentation materials