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3–5 Feb 2015
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

Optimization of Surface Roughness of Anti-Multipactor Coatings for Low Insertion Losses and Secondary Emission Suppression for High Power RF Components in Satellite Systems

Not scheduled
Einstein Aj033 (ESA/ESTEC)

Einstein Aj033


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
Oral Presentation


Prof. Isabel Montero (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid CSIC (Spain))Prof. Luis Galan (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid UAM (Spain))Mr Ulrich Wochner (Tesat Spacecom (Germany))


The objective of this ITI project was to enhance Multipactor threshold without penalizing insertion loss on Ag-plated harmonic low-pass corrugated filters, see Fig.1, by optimizing surface roughness shape and size. Filters were designed and manufactured by Tesat.

Primary authors

Mr Abele Meinrad (Tesat Spacecom (Germany)) Mr David Raboso (ESA) Prof. Isabel Montero (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid CSIC (Spain)) Mr Luis A. González. (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid UAM (Spain)) Prof. Luis Galan (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid UAM (Spain)) Ms Lydya Aguilera (Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid CSIC (Spain)) Mr Ulrich Wochner (Tesat Spacecom (Germany)) Mr Valentín Nistor (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid UAM (Spain))

Presentation materials