Francesco Cremaschi
(Astos Solutions GmbH)
The European Space Agency is currently involved in several activities related to launch vehicle designs (FLPP, Ariane 6, VEGA evolutions, etc). Within these activities ESA has identified the importance of developing a simulation infrastructure capable of supporting the multi-disciplinary design and preliminary GNC design of different launch vehicle configurations.
Astos Solutions has developed the Multi-Disciplinary Optimization (MDO) and Launcher GNC Simulation and Sizing Tool (LGSST) under ESA contract. The functionality is integrated in the ASTOS software and is intended to be used from early design phases up to Phase B1 activities. ASTOS shall enable the user to perform detailed vehicle design tasks and assessment of GNC systems, covering all aspects of rapid configuration and scenario management, sizing of stages, trajectory dependent estimation of structural masses, rigid and flexible body dynamics, navigation, guidance and control, worst case analysis, launch safety analysis, performance analysis and reporting.
This paper will present how the workflow for the vehicle optimization and design of launcher GNC algorithms is realized in ASTOS®, DCAP, ODIN and Matlab/Simulink®.
The first step comprises the definition and design of the launch vehicle including the structural mass estimation on substructure level as function of the dimensioning load case. The reference solution is used for the GNC design in Matlab/Simulink® and first performance analysis tasks with rigid body dynamics.
In a second step ODIN is used for the finite-element model export, which again can be used as input to the mode-shape export computed by DCAP. Alternatively a free-free-beam model can be utilized in combination with spring damper elements between stages and at engine suspensions. The mode shapes are used for linearization of the ASTOS flexible dynamics and for controller design in MATLAB.
In a third step Matlab/Simulink® is used for the controller design re-using as much information as possible from ASTOS and DCAP .
Finally, the impact of the launch safety analysis on the launch vehicle design is discussed.
Applicant type | First author |
Primary author
Andreas Wiegand
(Astos Solutions GmbH)
Francesco Cremaschi
(Astos Solutions GmbH)
Sebastian Winter
(Astos Solutions GmbH)
Valerio Rossi
(Astos Solutions GmbH)