On the first day of the conference, ICATT offers two tutorials about flight mission analysis for interplanetary missions.
Tutorial sessions (March 14th Monday)
Location: EUMETSAT Main Conference Room
09:30 – 11:50 Interplanetary flight mission analysis at ESA with Rosetta
"Interplanetary Trajectory design for Rosetta and other ESA missions"
This first part of the tutorial was delivered by Johannes Schoenmaekers from ESA/ESOC. Johannes is the Head of the interplanetray mission analysis section at ESOC. The tutorial can be downloaded here.
"Rosetta: Optical Navigation and Trajectory design around Churyumov-Gerasimenko"
This second part of the tutorial was delivered by Pablo Muñoz from ESA/ESOC. Pablo is a flight dynamics engineer at ESOC. The tutorial can be downloaded here.
11:50 - 12:50 Interplanetary mission design using WebGeocalc and Cosmographia
"WebGeocalc and Cosmographia demos by NAIF"
This tutorial was delivered by C. Acton and Boris Semenov from JPL. Boris is a flight dynamics engineer at JPL. WebGeocalc is a Web Interface to the JPL SPICE toolkit. Cosmographia is a interplanetary mission analysis visualization tool from JPL. The tutorial can be downloaded here.
14:00 – 17:20 Interplanetary flight mission analysis at NASA Goddard
"NASA Goddard mission analysis tools and techniques for interplanetary missions"
The tutorial was delivered by Steven P. Hughes from NASA/GSFC. Steeve is the project manager of the GMAT (General Mission Analysis Tool) at NASA. The tutorial can be downloaded here.
Download the audio of the tutorials here
The tutorials will take place in the main conference room of EUMETSAT.

EUMETSAT Postal address:
European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites
Eumetsat-Allee 1
64295 Darmstadt