375 / 375
- Paul Acquatella
Charles Acton
- Author in An Update on NAIF's Package of "SPICE" Astrodynamics Tools
- Co-author in WebGeocalc: Web Interface to SPICE
- Julian Adler
- Alfredo Agenjo
- Saika Aida
- Jorge Alonso-Pardo
- Ivano Amador Caddeo
- Davide Amato
- Jorge Ambrósio
- Reiner Anderl
- Roxana Larisa Andrisan
- Alfredo ANTON
- Alfredo ANTON
- Carlos Ardura
- Jean-Eudes Arlot
- Jean-Eudes Arlot
- Jean-Eudes Arlot
- Roberto Armellin
- Roberto Armellin
- Roberto Armellin
Gonzalo Arnao
- Co-author in Computer Graphics for Space Debris
- Co-author in PETbox: Flight Qualified Tools for Atmospheric Flight
- Christophe Arviset
- Laurent Arzel
Nathaniel Bachman
- Co-author in An Update on NAIF's Package of "SPICE" Astrodynamics Tools
- Co-author in WebGeocalc: Web Interface to SPICE
- Kevin Baillie
- Marc Balducci
- Itziar Barat
Benjamin Bastida Virgili
- Author in DELTA (Debris Environment Long-Term Analysis)
- Co-author in From end-of-life to impact on ground: An overview of ESA’s tools and techniques to predicted re-entries from the operational orbit down to the Earth’s surface
- Co-author in Probabilistic orbit lifetime assessment with ESA’s DRAMA/OSCAR tool
- Co-author in Tools and Techniques Supporting the Operational Collision Avoidance Process at ESOC
- Giulio Bau'
- Sven Bauer
- Juan Antonio Bejar-Romero
Gabriele Bellei
- Co-author in NEO Threat Mitigation Software Tools
Pablo Beltrami
- Co-author in The SPENVIS Next Generation
- Mohamed Khalil Ben Larbi
- Trevor Bennett
- Riccardo Benvenuto
- Ohad Ben-Yaacov
- Jérôme Berthier
- Co-author in Space dynamics software ELECTRA
- Davide Biamonti
- Gerhard Billig
Benjamin Bode
- Co-author in The SPENVIS Next Generation
Claudio Bombardelli
- Author in Analytical Approximation for the Multiple Revolution Lambert's Problem
- Co-author in Efficient numerical propagation of planetary close encounters with regularized element methods
- Co-author in New orbital elements for accurate orbit propagation in the Solar System
- Co-author in OCCAM: Optimal Computation of Collision Avoidance Maneuvers
Davide Bonetti
- Author in PETbox: Flight Qualified Tools for Atmospheric Flight
- Co-author in Computer Graphics for Space Debris
- Natasha Bosanac
- João Branco (GMV)
- Sérgio Brás
Vitali Braun
- Author in Probabilistic orbit lifetime assessment with ESA’s DRAMA/OSCAR tool
- Co-author in An Access Point to ESA’s Space Debris Data: The Space Debris Office Web Based Tools
- Co-author in From end-of-life to impact on ground: An overview of ESA’s tools and techniques to predicted re-entries from the operational orbit down to the Earth’s surface
- Co-author in Tools and Techniques Supporting the Operational Collision Avoidance Process at ESOC
- Lorenzo Bucci
- Bastian Burmann
Christof Büskens
- Co-author in Low Thrust Trajectory Optimization for Autonomous Asteroid Rendezvous Missions
- Co-author in Real-Time Atmospheric Entry Trajectory Generation Using Parametric Sensitivities
- Co-author in Understanding concepts of Optimization and Optimal Control with WORHP Lab
- Co-author in WORHP Multi-Core Interface, Parallelisation Approaches for an NLP Solver
- Francesco Cacciatore
Stijn Calders
- Author in The SPENVIS Next Generation
- Stefano Campagnola
- Juan Luis Cano
- Juan Luis Cano
- Alejandro Cardesín
- Ian Carnelli
- Massimo Casasco
- Paul Cefola
- Alessandra Celletti
- Xiaoqian Chen
- Hancheol Cho
- Ankit Choudary
- Ankit Choudhary
- Marco Ciarambino
- Elena Margareta Cimpoesu
- Sean Cleary
- Andrea Colagrossi
- Pablo Colmenarejo
Camilla Colombo
- Author in Planetary Orbital Dynamics (PlanODyn) suite for long term propagation in perturbed environment
- Co-author in Debris cloud analytical propagation for a space environmental index
- Co-author in Processing Two Line Element sets to facilitate re-entry prediction of spent rocket bodies from the geostationary transfer orbit
- Co-author in SNAPPShot: Suite for the Numerical Analysis of Planetary Protection
- Co-author in The Horizon 2020 project ReDSHIFT: Revolutionary Design of Spacecraft through Holistic Integration of Future Technologies
- Cristian Constantinescu
- Darrel Conway
- Nicholas Cooper
Stefania Cornara
- Co-author in DESEO Design Engineering Suite for Earth Observation
- Marc Costa
- Andrew Cox
- Francesco Cremaschi
Irene Cruciani
- Co-author in Innovative Strategy for Z9 Reentry
- Pingyuan Cui
- Florio Dalla Vedova
Eamonn Daly
- Co-author in The SPENVIS Next Generation
- Adrian Danciu (University Politecnica of Bucharest)
- Frew David
- Tiago de Almeida
- Yann Debray
Erwin De Donder
- Co-author in The SPENVIS Next Generation
- Véronique Dehant
- Lamberto Dell'Elce
- Emilio De Pasquale
- Gabriele De Zaiacomo
- Marilena Di Carlo
- Pierluigi Di Lizia
- Giuseppe Di Mauro
- Sébastien Dinot
- Dominic Dirkx
- Emanule Di Sotto
- Alexander Dobler
- Juan Carlos Dolado
- Raul Domínguez-González
- Eelco Doornbos
- Jerry Drew
- Yann Duchemin
- Berthyl Duesmann
- Mitja Echim
- Christos Efthymiopoulos
- Siegfried EGGL
- Helge Eichhorn
- Sven Erb
- Diego Escorial Olmos
- Aude Espesset
- Scott Evans
- Michael Evans
Hugh Evans
- Co-author in The SPENVIS Next Generation
- Edlerman Eviatar
- Andrea Fabrizi
- Fabio Ferrari
Tim Flohrer
- Author in Tools and Techniques Supporting the Operational Collision Avoidance Process at ESOC
- Co-author in An Access Point to ESA’s Space Debris Data: The Space Debris Office Web Based Tools
- Co-author in Design of Optimal Observation Strategy for Re-entry Prediction Improvement of GTOs Upper Stages
- Co-author in From end-of-life to impact on ground: An overview of ESA’s tools and techniques to predicted re-entries from the operational orbit down to the Earth’s surface
- Co-author in Probabilistic orbit lifetime assessment with ESA’s DRAMA/OSCAR tool
- Co-author in Processing Two Line Element sets to facilitate re-entry prediction of spent rocket bodies from the geostationary transfer orbit
- David Folta
- Roger Förstner
- Perrella Francesca
- Bent Fritsche
Quirin Funke
- Author in An Access Point to ESA’s Space Debris Data: The Space Debris Office Web Based Tools
- Co-author in Debris operational support through the web applications
- Co-author in Design of Optimal Observation Strategy for Re-entry Prediction Improvement of GTOs Upper Stages
- Co-author in From end-of-life to impact on ground: An overview of ESA’s tools and techniques to predicted re-entries from the operational orbit down to the Earth’s surface
- Co-author in Processing Two Line Element sets to facilitate re-entry prediction of spent rocket bodies from the geostationary transfer orbit
- Co-author in Tools and Techniques Supporting the Operational Collision Avoidance Process at ESOC
- Fabien Gachet
- Ricardo García-Pelayo
- Daniel Garcia Yarnoz
- Sören Geffken
- Ingo Gerth
- Gerard Gomez
- David Gondelach
- Juan L. Gonzalo
Ignacio Grande
- Co-author in The SPENVIS Next Generation
- Jeremy Gross
- Nuria Guijarro López
- Pini Gurfil
- Leonid Gurvits
- Davide Guzzetti
- Denis Hautesserres
- Rodrigo Haya Ramos
- Deborah Hayden
- Daniel Hennes
- Javier Hernando-Ayuso
Laszlo Hetey
- Co-author in The SPENVIS Next Generation
Daniel Heynderickx
- Co-author in The SPENVIS Next Generation
- Marc Hirth
Ngoc-Diep Ho
- Co-author in The SPENVIS Next Generation
- Kathleen Howell
- Sun Hur-Diaz
- Miguel Hurtado
- Hauke Hussmann
- Kronhaus Igal
- Alina Ionita
- Dario Izzo
- Robert Jacob
- Rüdiger Jehn
- Fliege Joerg
- Michael Johnson
Brandon Jones
- Co-author in Asteroid Rendezvous Uncertainty Propagation
- Martin Juergens
- Ralph Kahle
Ronny Kanzler
- Co-author in First results of IOTA (In-Orbit Tumbling Analysis)
- Patrik Kärräng
- Junichiro Kawaguchi
- Murray Kerr
- Gaetan Kerschen
- Reinhard Kiehling
- Michael Kirschner
- Matthias Knauer
- Hendrik Kolvenbach
- Konstantinos Konstantinidis
- Mihkail Konstantinov
christophe Koppel
- Author in Low thrust orbit transfer optimiser for a Spacecraft Simulator (ESPSS -EcosimPro® European Space Propulsion System Simulation)
- Author in New tool for finding periodic Halo orbits: the solver of a Spacecraft Simulator (ESPSS -EcosimPro® European Space Propulsion System Simulation)
- Author in Some validation checks of "TriaXOrbitaL" tool : Earth-Moon L2 orbit, Sun-Moon perturbations.
Holger Krag
- Co-author in An Access Point to ESA’s Space Debris Data: The Space Debris Office Web Based Tools
- Co-author in Debris cloud analytical propagation for a space environmental index
- Co-author in Fragmentation Event Model and Assessment Tool (FREMAT) supporting in-orbit fragmentation analysis
- Co-author in From end-of-life to impact on ground: An overview of ESA’s tools and techniques to predicted re-entries from the operational orbit down to the Earth’s surface
- Co-author in Tools and Techniques Supporting the Operational Collision Avoidance Process at ESOC
Michel Kruglanski
- Co-author in The SPENVIS Next Generation
- AYKUT kutlu
- Pierre Labourdette
- Michel LACOTTE
- Valéry Lainey
- Valéry Lainey
- Alain LAMY
- Martin Lara
Michelle Lavagna
- Co-author in Coupled dynamics of large space structures in Lagrangian points
- Co-author in Coupling High Fidelity Body Modeling with Non-Keplerian Dynamics to Design AIM-MASCOT-2 Landing Trajectories on Didymos Binary Asteroid
- Co-author in Development, validation and test of optical based algorithms for autonomous planetary landing
- Co-author in Dynamical analysis of rendezvous and docking with very large space infrastructures in non-Keplerian orbits
- Co-author in ESA's Asteroid Impact Mission: Mission Analysis and Payload Operations state of the art
- Co-author in GNC Techniques for Proximity Manoeuvring with Uncooperative Space Objects
- Co-author in Innovative Method for the Computation of Safety Re-entry Area Based on the Probability of Uncertainities in the Input Parameters
- Bastien Le Bihan
Stijn Lemmens
- Author in From end-of-life to impact on ground: An overview of ESA’s tools and techniques to predicted re-entries from the operational orbit down to the Earth’s surface
- Co-author in An Access Point to ESA’s Space Debris Data: The Space Debris Office Web Based Tools
- Co-author in Debris operational support through the web applications
- Co-author in First results of IOTA (In-Orbit Tumbling Analysis)
- Co-author in Tools and Techniques Supporting the Operational Collision Avoidance Process at ESOC
- Mazzini Leonardo
- Francesca Letizia
- Federico Letterio
- Hugh Lewis
- Bin Li
- Shuang Li
- Xiangyu Li
- Aleksander Lidtke
- Stephanie Lizy-Destrez
Rosario López
- Co-author in Hybrid SGP4: tools and methods
- Luca Losi
- Stefanie Lück
- Paolo Lunghi
Luc Maisonobe
- Author in from low level toolbox to orbit determination: handling users requests in Orekit
- Author in open-source publication: a strategic choice for private companies
- Author in Rugged: an open-source sensor-to-terrain mapping tool
- Author in STAVOR: Transition from desktop to new mobile platforms
- Co-author in Comparison of the Orekit DSST Short-Periodic Motion Model with the GTDS DSST and the F77 DSST Standalone Models
- Abdul Manarvi
- Salvatore Mancuso
- Zhengyang Mao
- Victor Marco
- Cerreto Marco
Gregor Martens
- Author in Innovative Strategy for Z9 Reentry
- Thierry Martin
Javier Martín
- Co-author in NEO Threat Mitigation Software Tools
- Alvaro Martinez Barrio
- Jean-Charles Marty
- Josep Masdemont
- Mauro Massari
- Ravishankar Mathur
- Julie McCann
- David McKeown
Frazer McLean
- Co-author in A Comparative Study of Programming Languages for Next-Generation Astrodynamics Systems
- Co-author in From end-of-life to impact on ground: An overview of ESA’s tools and techniques to predicted re-entries from the operational orbit down to the Earth’s surface
- Co-author in poliastro: : An Astrodynamics library written in Python with Fortran performance
Klaus Merz
- Author in Tools and Techniques Supporting the Operational Collision Avoidance Process at ESOC
- Co-author in From end-of-life to impact on ground: An overview of ESA’s tools and techniques to predicted re-entries from the operational orbit down to the Earth’s surface
- Co-author in Probabilistic orbit lifetime assessment with ESA’s DRAMA/OSCAR tool
Neophytos Messios
- Co-author in The SPENVIS Next Generation
- Louis-Etienne Meunier
- Hagenfeldt Miguel
- Andrea Milani Comparetti
Edmondo Minisci
- Co-author in Computer Graphics for Space Debris
- Alessandro Morselli
- Carl Murray
- Ilia Nikolichev
- Ramon Nogueron (LuxSpace)
- Jaime Nómen
- Daniel Novak
- Jürgen Oberst
- William O'Connor
- Luis Olier
- Kaori Onozaki
- Guillermo Ortega
- Carlos Ortega Absil
- Thomas Ott
- Lorenzo Ottone
- Alessandra Palli
- Marco Pallone
- Cristina Parigini
- Hyeongjun Park
- Jeffrey S. Parker
- Pascal Parraud
- Baltazar Parreira
- Nathan Parrish
- Andreas Pasewaldt
- Nuno Paulino
Philippe PAVERO
- Author in Space dynamics software ELECTRA
- Jesus Peláez
- Andrea Pellacani
Iván Pérez
- Co-author in Hybrid SGP4: tools and methods
- Stefano Pessina
- Thomas Peters
- Viacheslav Petukhov
- Fernando Pina caballero
Aurelien Pisseloup
- Co-author in IRENA - International Re-Entry demoNstrator Action
- Pablo Pita Leira
Mehta Piyush
- Author in Computer Graphics for Space Debris
- Mauro Pontani
- Irene Pontijas Fuentes
- Guylaine Prat
- Giuseppe Pucacco
- Jie Qi
- Dong Qiao
- Simone Flavio Rafano Carnà
- Virginia Raposo Pulido
- Mirco Rasotto
- Matthias Reiner
- Annalisa Riccardi
- David Riley
- Antonio Rinalducci (ESA/ESTEC)
- Javier Roa
- Vincent Robert
- Vincent Robert
- Peter Roberts
- Amedeo Rocchi
Guillaume ROCHAIS
- Co-author in Space dynamics software ELECTRA
Eugenio Rodríguez-Moreno
- Co-author in The SPENVIS Next Generation
David Rogers
- Co-author in The SPENVIS Next Generation
Marcello Romano
- Author in Experimental evaluation of Model Predictive and Inverse Dynamics Control for spacecraft proximity and docking maneuvers
- Co-author in An open-source simulator for spacecraft robotic arm dynamic modeling and control.
- Co-author in Design and parameter identification by laboratory experiments of a prototype modular robotic arm for orbiting spacecraft applications
- Juan Romero Martin
- Paulo Rosa
Mark Rose
- Co-author in WebGeocalc: Web Interface to SPICE
- Pascal Rosenblatt
- Shane Ross
Valerio Rossi
- Co-author in Launch Vehicle Design and GNC Sizing with ASTOS
- Alessandro Rossi
- Martin Rudolph
- Gonzalo Saavedra
- Sohrab Salehi
- Raul Sanchez
- Carlos Sanchez
- Mariano Sánchez Nogales
- Noelia Sánchez-Ortiz
- Jose Manuel Sánchez Pérez
- Jizhang Sang
- Juan-Felix San Juan Diaz
Montserrat San-Martín
- Co-author in Hybrid SGP4: tools and methods
- Cristina Santana
- Francesco Santilli
- Massimiliano Saponara
- Sven Schaeff
- Anne Schattel
- Hanspeter Schaub
- Daniel Scheeres
- Marc Scheper
- David Seelbinder
Boris Semenov
- Author in WebGeocalc: Web Interface to SPICE
- Boris Semenov
- Daniel Serrano
- Davide Silvestri
- Jan Siminski
- Pedro Simplicio (ESA/ESTEC)
- Sofya Spiridonova
- Christopher Sprague
- Dan Stefanoiu
- Adrian-Mihail Stoica
- Enrico Stoll
- luigi strippoli
- Haifeng Su
- Martins Sudars
- Ivan Sumelzo Martinez
- David Surovik
- Yannick TANGUY
- Chiara Tardioli
Simon Tardivel
- Co-author in High-fidelity small body lander simulations
Ozan Tekinalp
- Co-author in A Simulation Tool to Design of Satellite Formations
- Paolo Teofilatto
- Jochen Teufel
- MIn Thein
- c/o IFAC-CNR The ReDSHIFT Consortium
- Manuel Thies
- Joseph Thompson
- William Thuillot (Paris Observatory - IMCCE)
- William Thuillot
Stefania Tonetti
- Co-author in DESEO Design Engineering Suite for Earth Observation
- Francesco Torre
- Paolo Tortora
- Jeroen Van den Eynde
- Stefaan Van wal
- Gabor Varga
- José Vasconcelos
Massimiliano Vasile
- Author in ATHENA: Astrodynamics Toolbox for High-fidelity Error-propagation and Navigation
- Co-author in CAMELOT - Computational-Analytical Multi-fidelity Low-thrust Optimisation Toolbox
- Co-author in Computer Graphics for Space Debris
- Co-author in SMART-UQ: Uncertainty Quantification Toolbox for Generalized Intrusive and Non Intrusive Polynomial Algebra
- A. Ismael Vaz
- Joost Veenman
Elena Vellutini
- Co-author in Innovative Strategy for Z9 Reentry
- Bert Vermeersen
- Massimo Vetrisano
- Massimo Vetrisano
Gonzalo Vicario de Miguel
- Co-author in DESEO Design Engineering Suite for Earth Observation
- Alain Vienne
Josep Virgili-Llop
- Author in An open-source simulator for spacecraft robotic arm dynamic modeling and control.
- Author in Design and parameter identification by laboratory experiments of a prototype modular robotic arm for orbiting spacecraft applications
- Co-author in Experimental evaluation of Model Predictive and Inverse Dynamics Control for spacecraft proximity and docking maneuvers
- Co-author in Using the attitude response of aerostable spacecraft to determine thermospheric wind
- Maiwald Volker
- Ning Wang
- Jean-Jacques WASBAUER
- Cassandra Webster
- Sven Weikert
- Andreas Wiegand
Sebastian Winter
- Co-author in Launch Vehicle Design and GNC Sizing with ASTOS
- Alexander Wittig
Edward Wright
- Co-author in WebGeocalc: Web Interface to SPICE
- Edward Wright
- Celia Yabar
- Carlos YANEZ
- Junjie Yang
- Kawakatsu Yasuhiro
- Hiroaki Yoshimura
- Qingfeng Zhang
- Jisong Zhao
- Zhanxia Zhu
- Valentino Zuccarelli