José Vasconcelos
(Deimos Engenharia)
This paper describes the development and validation of a GNC for active debris removal of the ENVISAT S/C, using clamping mechanism. The design of the GNC is focused on the phases where the choice of clamp mechanism is of particular relevance to the ADR execution. These mission phases include the pre-capture, close range rendezvous with uncooperative target, the post-capture detumbling and stabilization of the composite, and the composite de-orbiting. The derived GNC solutions are based on robust MIMO control, which is especially suited to the considered mission scenario. Namely, the GNC is designed considering S/C dynamics with multiple-bodies attached by clamping mechanisms, with flexible appendages and sloshing effects, and with uncertainties in the mass, centre-of-mass and inertia (MCI) parameters, among others. The results of the GNC design activities are presented, namely in what respects to: the multi-body modelling of the chaser and composite S/C, the LFT modelling of the plant dynamics for GNC synthesis, the GNC trade-offs, the resulting GNC architecture and modes, and, finally, the methodology and results adopted for the Guidance and Control subsystems design. An advanced verification and validation framework for GNC was also developed, and is presented therein, that includes analytical validation of GNC robustness, stemming from the mu -synthesis framework. In addition, numerical validation is performed in a high-fidelity simulator of S/C dynamics, including multi-body dynamics, flexible modes, sloshing, MCI perturbation, environmental disturbances, among others. The validation results are obtained for the nominal scenario, as well as for alternative definitions of ENVISAT rotational motions and of relative sensor technology. Finally, Monte-Carlo campaign is adopted in complement to the analytical validation, allowing for the consolidated derivation of a set of requirements and recommendations for future missions, especially those within the Cleanspace initiative.
Applicant type | First author |
Primary author
José Vasconcelos
(Deimos Engenharia)
Andrea Fabrizi
(Deimos Space)
Baltazar Parreira
(Deimos Engenharia)
Guillermo Ortega
Hagenfeldt Miguel
(Deimos Space)
Jorge Ambrósio
Massimo Casasco
(European Space Agency)
Murray Kerr
(Deimos Space)
Paulo Rosa
(Deimos Engenharia)