luigi strippoli
GNCDE is an integrated GNC development and verification environment, developed by GMV in the frame of an ESA-GMV co-funded activity. It contains templates of four different adaptable scenarios (Rendezvous and Docking, 3-axis stabilization, Formation Flying, Launchers), a complete set of libraries for sensors, actuators, DKE and GNC blocks, and a set of tools to ease the design and analysis of the mission (e.g. guidance trajectories design, control and estimation synthesis, covariance analysis, Monte Carlo campaign, Statistical analysis, Autocoding, 3D visualization through direct connection with tools like Celestia, etc.). GNCDE has been already successfully used to design the GNC of different rendezvous missions (such as Advanced Re-entry Vehicle and Mars Sample Return Orbiter) and it is the current development environment for the formation flying software of PROBA-3 phase CDE.
This paper will focus on the utilization of GNCDE for assessing GNC concepts of two different ADR scenarios, both aimed at the post-life disposal of ENVISAT:
1) Design, development, verification and validation of the GNC for RDV and de-orbiting phases of E-Deorbit mission, currently in phase B1. E-Deorbit is so far the most advanced ESA activity with the objective of de-orbiting ENVISAT. It is unique in its operational complexity and requires a high reliable and strongly validated GNC design.
2) Quick preliminary feasibility evaluation from GNC point of view of PRIDE vehicle used as active debris removal spacecraft. PRIDE is the ESA program aimed at developing a reusable robotic spacecraft with different in-orbit servicing capabilities, among which the possibility to serve as an ADR vehicle.
The high flexibility of GNCDE has permitted to adapt very quickly the rendezvous and docking template (originally used for an ATV-ISS docking scenario) to the two different ADR scenarios, parametrizing it opportunely to include configuration, initial orbital and attitude data of both ENVISAT and the chaser spacecraft. Sensors and actuators parameters have been also modified to take into account the typical accuracies and errors in the two cases. The rendezvous trajectories have been tailored to these scenarios and the GNC laws adapted to their specific needs.
In the case of E-Deorbit, the work to be done has a long schedule aiming at a fully validated GNC and the design is still on-going. The paper will present the process which is being followed for GNC DD&VV of this specific scenario, how this process is supported by the GNCDE environment and the available preliminary results. In the case of PRIDE scenario, the study preliminary indicates that the vehicle could be suitable for an ENVISAT ADR mission. Using the link between GNCDE and Celestia, a video showing the capture phase, including synchronization between PRIDE and ENVISAT, has been also set up.
Applicant type | First author |
Primary author
luigi strippoli