Mariano Sánchez Nogales
(DEIMOS Space S.L.U.)
The Planetary Entry Toolbox (PETbox) is a set of multiple modules developed by DEIMOS Space S.L.U. to support Mission Engineering and Flight Mechanics in the area of Atmospheric Flight.
PETbox has been intensively and successfully used in multiple ESA projects, EU projects and private initiatives covering a very wide range of vehicles (launchers, lifting bodies, capsules, UAVs, winged bodies, hypersonic transport vehicles, space debris…) in multiple environments (Earth, Mars, Titan) and in multiple flight phases (launch, coasting, entry, descent, landing, sustained flight).
The set of modules that composes PETbox allows a critical range of multiple analyses, a full “Mission Engineering process” that supports engineers at different levels, from Pre-Phase A studies to Post Flight Analyses. The core module of PETbox is endosim (endoatmospheric simulator) which is the simulation framework used by the Atmospheric Flight Competence Center (AFCC) of DEIMOS Space. The toolbox is live and continuously evolving according to the improvements and modifications implemented daily and that currently integrates more than 50 years of engineering work of the AFCC team of DEIMOS Space.
The applications range is wide, covering vehicle design (shape design, configuration design, system specifications, MDO…), aerothermodynamics (computations, inspection, analyses, support to databases refinements…), flying qualities (trim, stability, controllability, GNC specifications, …), trajectories (modeling, end to end simulation and optimization, analyses, flight predictions…), guidance (design, prototypes, functional validation, …), sizing conditions (performance and margins verification, specifications for system and subsystems, correlations analyses, …), safety aspects (nominal and off-nominal footprints, survivability and risk analysis of debris, separation analyses…), visibility aspects (with fixed or mobile ground stations, with GPS, between spacecrafts…), post flight analyses (trajectory reconstruction, data fusion, analyses, …), etc.
Practical example of use and key applications in multiple projects will be presented with special emphasis on the use of PETbox in the current ExoMars program (2016 and 2018 missions) and in the recent Intermediate eXperimental Vehicle (IXV) that successfully flew on February 11th, 2015. IXV has represented a unique opportunity to increase the TRL level not only of re-entry technologies but it also marked a key milestone in the overall validation of the design methodology and tools implemented in the areas of Mission Analysis and Flight Mechanics; it confirmed the robustness of the approach and the maturity of PETbox which is now Flight Qualified and ready for future challenges in the European re-entry technology roadmap.
Applicant type | First author |
Primary author
Davide Bonetti
(Deimos Space S.L.U.)
Cristina Parigini
(DEIMOS Space S.L.U.)
David Riley
(DEIMOS Space UK Ltd.)
Gabriele De Zaiacomo
(DEIMOS Space S.L.U.)
Gonzalo Blanco Arnao
(DEIMOS Space S.L.U.)
Irene Pontijas Fuentes
(DEIMOS Space S.L.U.)
Mariano Sánchez Nogales
(DEIMOS Space S.L.U.)