Juan Antonio Bejar-Romero
(GMV Aerospace and Defence S.A.U.)
The launchers GNC performance is strictly depending upon its knowledge of the system properties and its evolution throughout the flight. The GNC design and verification integrates mathematical models derived at sub-system level to predict system level behaviour. Their improvement is a key task through the development and validation of a new launch vehicle. Hence the exploitation of flight data shall be maximized in order to reduce at minimum the lack of accuracy in the mathematical models. It is clear that the exploitation of in-flight data during qualification flights in order to improve the launch vehicle models plays a key role in the tuning of the GNC system algorithms and architecture for future flights.
This paper presents the Model Validation Framework for Launchers which is a set of tools and algorithms for the determination and validation of accurate mathematical models and parameters based on pre-, in- and post-flight measurement data.
The Model Validation Framework for Launchers is made up of the following components:
- Measurement Pre-processing component in charge of preparing the flight measurements in order to be used by the Trajectory Reconstruction and Parameter Estimation components.
- Trajectory Reconstruction component in charge of computing the launch vehicle trajectory using the pre-processed flight measurements.
- Parameter Estimation component in charge of characterizing the selected launch vehicle models based on flight measurements, after pre-processing, and vehicle states based on a-priori postulated models.
- Model Validation component in charge of confirming the correctness, accuracy, adequacy and applicability of the identified models with their corresponding estimated parameters.
The target application of the Model Validation Framework for Launchers in this activity has been the VEGA Flight Programme Software Alternative (FPSA).
Applicant type | First author |
Primary author
Juan Antonio Bejar-Romero
(GMV Aerospace and Defence S.A.U.)