Interplanetary trajectories and fly-by; rendezvous with asteroids and comets; libration point transfers and orbits; resonant orbits; near-Earth objects trajectories; sample return missions; coverage of instruments and ground contacts; maintenance or orbital positions around planetary bodies; planetary tours and encounters;
Andrew Cox
(Purdue University)
16/03/2016, 10:20
04: Interplanetary Flight and Non-Earth Orbits
Oral presentation at the conference
The Sun-Earth libration and Cis-Lunar environments are challenging regimes for trajectory designers with complex multi-body dynamics, perturbation modeling, and integration of propulsion influences. Beginning with libration orbits and research on dynamical systems (aka manifolds), several tools with application to libration orbits and Cis-lunar regions have been developed in cooperation...
Marc Balducci
(University of Colorado at Boulder)
16/03/2016, 10:40
04: Interplanetary Flight and Non-Earth Orbits
Oral presentation at the conference
Most methods of propagating orbit uncertainty assume posteriori Gaussian distributions, require an intrusive implementation or suffer from the curse of dimensionality associated with high-dimensonal random inputs. Although Monte Carlo techniques avoid these draw backs, the approach has a slow convergence rate. This paper considers the application of separated representations for orbit...
christophe Koppel
(KopooS Consulting Ind.)
16/03/2016, 11:00
04: Interplanetary Flight and Non-Earth Orbits
Oral presentation at the conference
The modelling becomes year after year a priority for each agency, each company in order to better foresee the features of space devices and spacecrafts. The paper presents a flight dynamic tool so-called "TriaXOrbitaL", freely distributed as promotional release, that has been used since 1989 with continuous improvements for constellation design, North-South station keeping manoeuvre, orbit...
Daniel Garcia Yarnoz
16/03/2016, 11:20
04: Interplanetary Flight and Non-Earth Orbits
Oral presentation at the conference
The use of multiple lunar swing-bys to pump up the hyperbolic escape velocity of interplanetary trajectories has been proposed in literature and repeatedly put into practice in real missions (*Kawaguchi et. al., 1995, Dunham et. al., 2007*). JAXA’s technology demonstrator mission DESTINY (*Kawakatsu et. al., 2013*), with its new main mission objective to fly by asteroid Phaethon, is planning...
Marc Costa
(Telespazio VEGA UK SL for ESA)
16/03/2016, 11:40
04: Interplanetary Flight and Non-Earth Orbits
Oral presentation at the conference
ESA has a number of science missions under development and in operation that are dedicated to the study of our Solar System (i.e. MEX, Rosetta, ExoMars, BepiColombo, Solar Orbiter and JUICE). The Science Operations Centres for these missions, located at the European Space Astronomy Centre (ESAC) in Spain, are responsible for all science operations planning, data processing and archiving tasks,...
Fabio Ferrari
(Politecnico di Milano)
16/03/2016, 12:00
04: Interplanetary Flight and Non-Earth Orbits
Oral presentation at the conference
The Asteroid Impact Mission (AIM) is an ESA mission whose goal is the exploration and study of binary asteroid 65803 Didymos, which is expected to transit close to the Earth (less than 0.1 AU) in late 2022. AIM is planned to be the first spacecraft to rendezvous with a binary asteroid: its mission objectives include the highly relevant scientific return of the exploration as well as innovative...