Posters will be displayed and presented in room 3.11 Foyer, during the coffee breaks of Tuesday 15th and Wednesday 16th and also during the Welcome Cocktail on Tuesday 15th
Shuang Li
(Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics)
15/03/2016, 10:20
Poster presentation at the conference
Mars entry, descent and landing (EDL) begins when the vehicle reaches Mars atmospheric interface (about 125km altitude) and ends when the supersonic parachute is deployed. EDL phase is considered the critically important sub-phase, and largely determines the success or not of entire Mars EDL. A new Mars EDL mission design and simulation tool, named as MEDLMDST, has been developed at the Space...
(IMCCE/PAris observatory - CNRS), Dr
Siegfried EGGL
(IMCCE/PAris observatory - CNRS)
15/03/2016, 10:20
Poster presentation at the conference
Associated to sample return missions to Phobos (Phobos-Grunt) or a mission targeting NEOs (MarcoPolo-R, AIDA), one generally aims at following trajectories that optimize Delta-V consumption, hovering stations, solar panel illuminations, ...
We perform analysis of trajectories around such low gravity object considering in both cases the perturbed gravitational or non gravitational environment....
Abdul Manarvi
(Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University)
15/03/2016, 10:20
Poster presentation at the conference
Orbit determination has been a critical area of research ever since the start of space age. Research has been done in this area from defining accuracy goals for predicting orbits, to a host of software and hardware tools, techniques and methods. This paper was narrowed down to the most significant contributions in the area of Kalman filtering applications. Research work from 1967 to 2013 only...
Nicholas Cooper
(Queen Mary University of London)
15/03/2016, 10:20
Poster presentation at the conference
Caviar is an IDL-based software package for the astrometric reduction of spacecraft images. The software was originally developed at Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) in 2003-4 for the reduction of images from the Imaging Science Subsystem (ISS) of the Cassini spacecraft. It has been used to reduce many thousands of Cassini images since the start of the main mission to Saturn in 2004, and...
Javier Hernando-Ayuso
(The University of Tokyo)
15/03/2016, 10:20
Poster presentation at the conference
The development of mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets has caused big social changes since the beginning of the 21st century. Their computing power and memory has also been growing continuously and can be competitive against traditional machines for not computationally expensive problems. The combination of state of the art Graphical Processing Units and Central Processing Units...
Cerreto Marco
(Thales Alenia Space)
15/03/2016, 10:20
Poster presentation at the conference
The SOFTT (Space Optimal Finite Thrust Transfer) is a tool designed to compute the spacecraft optimal orbital transfer trajectories using low thrust propulsion system;
SOFTT is able to optimize very long orbital transfers - optimal solutions lasting up to 2 years have been studied - between Earth orbits considering eclipses and perturbations.
SOFTT was developed in Thales Alenia Space...
Davide Silvestri
(University of Bologna)
15/03/2016, 10:20
Poster presentation at the conference
The BepiColombo mission is finally approaching the last phase, preceding its launch, which will bring the spacecraft to its final destination, planet Mercury, around which the probe will start its one year nominal mission in 2024.
In-orbit investigations are a privileged condition for exploring a planet, and Mercury has demonstrated to be a fascinating destination since Mariner 10 first...
Zhengyang Mao
(National Key Laboratory of Aerospace Flight Dynamics, School of Astronautics, Northwestern Polytechnical University)
15/03/2016, 10:20
Poster presentation at the conference
As a branch of the field of target tracking, maneuvering target tracking plays an increasing role in military and civilian fields. A novel maneuvering target tracking algorithm is investigated. Drawing on the experience of combination idea of the modular structure and the fuzzy interacting multiple model algorithm (FIMM), a modular fuzzy interacting multiple model algorithm (MFIMM) is...
Luc Maisonobe
15/03/2016, 10:20
Poster presentation at the conference
Open-source has become a mainstream asset in most parts of today's economy, including space.
It's use is widespread and in every projects it is customary to look what existing open-source tools could be used
as building blocks. Both private companies and public organizations are heavy users of open-source. The
benefits are well-known by now (reliability, vendor-neutrality, standardization,...
Luc Maisonobe
15/03/2016, 10:20
Poster presentation at the conference
Software environments have changed a lot in the last few years, since the release of the first smartphones. From the typical Windows-Unix market, where languages like Java emerged as multi-platform solutions, new very different systems have appeared leaving the term multi-platform obsolete. To refer to an application that can run in different systems and platforms (Desktop, mobile, web…) we...
Valéry Lainey
(IMCCE-Observatoire de Paris), Dr
William Thuillot
(Paris Observatory)
15/03/2016, 10:20
Poster presentation at the conference
The consortium ESPaCE (European Satellite Partnership for Computing Ephemerides) is composed of seven European institutes: IMCCE (Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Ephémérides, Paris Obs.), ROB (Royal Observatory of Belgium), TUB (Technical University of Berlin), ERIC (European Research Infrastructure Consortium formerly known as JIVE : Joint Institute for VLBI in Europe), TUD...
Alessandro Rossi
15/03/2016, 10:20
Poster presentation at the conference
The ReDSHIFT (Revolutionary Design of Spacecraft through Holistic Integration of Future Technologies) project has been approved by the European Community in the framework of the H2020 Protec 2015 call, focused on passive means to reduce the impact of Space Debris by prevention, mitigation and protection.
ReDSHIFT will address barriers to compliance for spacecraft manufacturers and operators...
Vincent Robert
15/03/2016, 10:20
Poster presentation at the conference
Accurate orbit determination require a large amount of observations dispatched over a large time span to allow for the best precision and extrapolation. This latter is of high importance in the context of future space missions.
In practice, most orbital models of the Solar System objects are fitted to data covering typically about one century. Even if the conditions are required for precise...
Yann Duchemin
(IMCCE, Obs. de Paris/PSL Research University)
15/03/2016, 10:20
Poster presentation at the conference
The future of space missions will be dependent on the improvement of autonomous celestial space navigation methods. Nowadays the deep space exploration uses the starry sky background for attitude determination by imaging and determining the coordinates with an embedded star catalog. Two different approaches are necessary in order to find the position of an interplanetary spacecraft. The first...