Low Earth Orbits (LEO), Medium Earth Orbits (MEO), High Earth Orbits (HEO), Geostationary Orbits (GEO); station-keeping; optimization of loitering arcs; computation of drag-free orbits; circular and elliptical orbits around planets and Moons; resonant orbits and fuel efficient trajectories
Virginia Raposo Pulido
15/03/2016, 08:20
02: Loitering / Orbiting
Oral presentation at the conference
The Kepler equation for the elliptical motion, *y − e* sin *y* − *x* = $0$, involves a nonlinear
function depending on three parameters: the eccentric anomaly *y* = E, the eccentricity e and
the mean anomaly *x* = M. For given e and x values the numerical solution of the Kepler equation
becomes one of the goals of orbit propagation to provide the position of the object orbiting around
Martin Lara
(Space Dynamics Group, Polytechnic University of Madrid, and GRUCACI, University of La Rioja)
15/03/2016, 08:40
02: Loitering / Orbiting
Oral presentation at the conference
Usual onboard orbit propagators are provided as navigation maintenance aids for earth orbiting satellites. These programs should be able to forecast satellite ephemeris within a reasonable accuracy for short time periods, which may range from minutes, as in the case of momentary lack of GPS signal, to several satellite orbits. In these brief intervals the accumulation of second order effects...
15/03/2016, 09:00
02: Loitering / Orbiting
Oral presentation at the conference
The SIRIUS project aims to develop a set of Flight Dynamics products that will be used operationally in the control centers of the upcoming CNES missions. It mainly covers three different layers: the mathematical low level libraries (PATRIUS), intended to be used either in an operational environment or in expert studies; the flight dynamics algorithms, implementing the operational...
Juan Félix San-Juan
(Scientific Computing Group (GRUCACI), University of La Rioja)
15/03/2016, 09:20
02: Loitering / Orbiting
Oral presentation at the conference
A semi-analytical orbit propagator to study the long-term evolution of spacecraft in Highly Elliptical Orbits is presented. The perturbation model taken into account includes the gravitational effects produced by the first nine zonal harmonics and the main tesseral harmonics affecting to the 2:1 resonance, which has an impact on Molniya orbit-types, of Earth’s gravitational potential, the...
Federico Letterio
(Deimos Space)
15/03/2016, 09:40
02: Loitering / Orbiting
Oral presentation at the conference
The Design Engineering Suite for Earth Observation (DESEO) is a software toolkit to support mission analysis and preliminary system/subsystem design activities for all phases of Earth observation missions.
DESEO has been designed to be used by mission and system engineers throughout all phases of an Earth Observation mission (from Phase 0 to Phase E), whenever they need accurate and fast...