Low Earth Orbits (LEO), Medium Earth Orbits (MEO), High Earth Orbits (HEO), Geostationary Orbits (GEO); station-keeping; optimization of loitering arcs; computation of drag-free orbits; circular and elliptical orbits around planets and Moons; resonant orbits and fuel efficient trajectories;
Juan Félix San-Juan
(Scientific Computing Group (GRUCACI), University of La Rioja)
15/03/2016, 11:00
02: Loitering / Orbiting
Oral presentation at the conference
The propagation of an orbit which is subject to perturbation forces is a non-integrable 6-degree-of-freedom problem that has been classically tackled in three different ways. General Perturbation Theories attempt to deduce an analytical expression for the future position and velocity of the orbiter as a function of its initial conditions and time. Nevertheless, the non-integrability of the...
Itziar Barat
(Deimos Space @ ESA/ESTEC)
15/03/2016, 11:20
02: Loitering / Orbiting
Oral presentation at the conference
The orbit control for LEO missions is becoming more and more demanding in terms of manoeuvring. This paper proposes a simplified algorithm in order to calculated on board the drag make-up manoeuvres.
It is not pretended to give a full solution of the problem, but a starting point for future implementations. There are two main rationale of calculating this manoeuvres on-board, the first one...
Sérgio Brás
(National Trainee @ ESA/ESTEC)
15/03/2016, 11:40
02: Loitering / Orbiting
Oral presentation at the conference
Earth observation data is key for a more efficient use of land and natural resources, better land and sea monitoring, more informed political decisions, and better understanding of the weather, climate, and land changes.
Many Earth observation satellites are operated in low Earth orbits which provide a good trade-off between revisit time and spatial resolution. Repeat ground track orbits...
Pablo Pita Leira
(Goetzfried Professionals GmbH)
15/03/2016, 12:00
02: Loitering / Orbiting
Oral presentation at the conference
The SGP4 (Simplified General Perturbations 4) orbit propagator is a widely used tool for the fast, short term propagation of space orbits. The algorithms in which it is based are thoroughly described in the SPACETRACK report #3, as well as in Vallado et al. update. Current implementations of SGP4 are based on Brouwer's gravity solution and Lane atmospheric model, but using Lyddane's...
christophe Koppel
(KopooS Consulting Ind.)
15/03/2016, 12:20
02: Loitering / Orbiting
Oral presentation at the conference
Halo orbits and other periodic orbits in the restricted circular 3 body problem has always been very well explained in the literature since their discovery by Farquhar in the 60 of last century. However for finding the numerical values of such orbits, the availability of the tools dedicated for such tasks is not obvious. Due to the fact that the differential equations are quite simple, those...