Ascent trajectories for expendable and reusable launch vehicles; computation of payload injection and deployment; branching and abort trajectories; launcher separation and boosters come back; safe trajectories and splash down of rocket stages; ascent from planets and Moons
Marco Pallone
(Sapienza - University of Rome)
15/03/2016, 09:00
01: Ascent
Oral presentation at the conference
Multistage launch vehicles of reduced size, such as “Super Strypi” or “Sword”, are currently investigated for the purpose of providing launch opportunities for microsatellites. Currently, microsatellites can be launched according to the time and orbital requirements of a main payload. The limited costs of microsatellites and their capability to be produced and ready for use in short time make...
Adrian Danciu
(University Politecnica of Bucharest)
15/03/2016, 09:20
01: Ascent
Oral presentation at the conference
The aim of the paper is to present a new design methodology for the automatic flight control system of launch vehicles using discrete-time RST controllers. The structure of such a control system has three degrees of freedom (roll, yaw, pitch), determined such that the closed-loop dynamics of the launch vehicle tracks the output of a desired reference model. The RST control technique focuses on...
Elena Vellutini
15/03/2016, 09:40
01: Ascent
Oral presentation at the conference
ICATT 2016, 6th International Conference on Astrodynamics Tools and Techniques, 14 - 17 March 2016, ESOC, Germany
Innovative Strategy for Z9 Reentry
Gregor Martens*, Elena Vellutini**, Irene Cruciani*
Corso Garibaldi 22, 00034 Colleferro (Italy)
Viale Città d’Europa 681, 00144, Roma (Italy)
Large Footprint of Zefiro 9, the 3rd stage of VEGA launcher spanning...