Position and velocity prediction; ephemeris computations; conjunctions; numerical integration methods applied to astrodynamics; precise orbit determination for LEO, MEO, HEO, GEO missions; tools and technique for high precision orbit determination for planetary missions; observational data; parameter estimation; orbit determination with multiple tracking techniques;
Sun Hur-Diaz
(Emergent Space Technologies, Inc.)
16/03/2016, 15:40
13: Orbit Determination and Prediction Techniques
Oral presentation at the conference
The orbit determination (OD) requirement for a lunar CubeSat mission is examined. The motivation for this study is the NASA CubeQuest Challenge, for which the winning 6U CubeSats in the competition are offered a launch on the Exploration Mission (EM) 1 mission as secondary payloads. All such CubeSats will be disposed into a high-energy trajectory that will fly by the moon. Unless high-impulse...
Jizhang Sang
(Wuhan University)
16/03/2016, 16:00
13: Orbit Determination and Prediction Techniques
Oral presentation at the conference
A TLE-based Representation of Precise Orbit Prediction Results
Jizhang Sang, Bin Li
School of Geodesy and Geomatics, Wuhan University
Openly accessible TLEs are widely used to predict orbit positions of space objects. The computing efficiency of the analytic SGP4 algorithm is particularly attractive in applications where orbit positions of thousands of objects are needed. On the other...
Patrik Kärräng
(Hyperschall Technologie Göttingen (HTG))
16/03/2016, 16:20
13: Orbit Determination and Prediction Techniques
Oral presentation at the conference
Estimating and predicting the tumbling motion of orbital debris is not an easy task. While in orbit an object experiences perturbations due to external forces in the near-Earth environment. This changes the object’s orbit and attitude over time. There are observational techniques that are being used to determine the spin rate of orbital debris such as light curve observation, satellite laser...
Francesca Letizia
(University of Southampton)
16/03/2016, 16:40
13: Orbit Determination and Prediction Techniques
Oral presentation at the conference
Environmental indices for spacecraft are meant to rank objects in orbit depending on their effect on the space environment in case of fragmentation. These indices are usually designed to identify potential candidates for active debris removal and several authors have proposed formulations of environmental indices, which take into account different aspect of the debris environment (e.g....
Mirco Rasotto
(Dinamica Srl)
16/03/2016, 17:00
13: Orbit Determination and Prediction Techniques
Oral presentation at the conference
From 2004 up to the date more than 200 launch vehicles operated by five independent nations and two international organizations placed satellites in Geostationary Earth Orbit (GEO). In almost all cases, each successful launch left one or more pieces of debris in Geostationary Transfer Orbits (GTO). Particularly, many of this space debris consist of large spent upper stages of launch vehicles...
Raul Domínguez-González
(DEIMOS Space)
16/03/2016, 17:20
13: Orbit Determination and Prediction Techniques
Oral presentation at the conference
This paper presents the approach for building a catalogue of Earth-orbiting objects from optical observations in surveillance mode. The cataloguing is based on the DEIMOS CORTO tool (CORrelation Tool) which is described in this paper. CORTO has evolved from of a simulated cataloguing system to a cataloguing software suite intended to process data from real observations. Thus, it merges the...