Ascent trajectories for expendable and reusable launch vehicles; computation of payload injection and deployment; branching and abort trajectories; launcher separation and boosters come back; safe trajectories and splash down of rocket stages; ascent from planets and Moons
Paul Acquatella
(DLR, German Aerospace Center)
15/03/2016, 11:00
01: Ascent
Oral presentation at the conference
Launch vehicle dynamics modeling is quite challenging mainly because of the highly interconnected disciplines involved: propulsion, aerodynamics, structures, mechanisms, and GNC among others. Discipline experts perform their respective design often independently and with separate dedicated tools. Consequently, during launcher preliminary design studies, numerous iterations are required in...
Francesco Cremaschi
(Astos Solutions GmbH)
15/03/2016, 11:20
01: Ascent
Oral presentation at the conference
The European Space Agency is currently involved in several activities related to launch vehicle designs (FLPP, Ariane 6, VEGA evolutions, etc). Within these activities ESA has identified the importance of developing a simulation infrastructure capable of supporting the multi-disciplinary design and preliminary GNC design of different launch vehicle configurations.
Astos Solutions has...
Juan Antonio Bejar-Romero
(GMV Aerospace and Defence S.A.U.)
15/03/2016, 11:40
01: Ascent
Oral presentation at the conference
The launchers GNC performance is strictly depending upon its knowledge of the system properties and its evolution throughout the flight. The GNC design and verification integrates mathematical models derived at sub-system level to predict system level behaviour. Their improvement is a key task through the development and validation of a new launch vehicle. Hence the exploitation of flight data...
David McKeown
(University College Dublin)
15/03/2016, 12:00
01: Ascent
Oral presentation at the conference
The dynamics of a typical launch vehicle are non-linear, non-uniform and time variant. In addition, liquid fuel systems introduce sloshing dynamics which can be difficult or impossible to model, especially if required for real time control. It is a difficult problem, with consequences for the stability, trajectory tracking and efficiency of the launcher. Wave based control has been...