Rendezvous approach (far and close); computation of optimal phasing conditions; docking and mating; contact dynamics; berthing; in-orbit servicing; Docking in R-bar and V-bar; optimal ground contacts during rendezvous;
Massimo Vetrisano
17/03/2016, 10:20
05: Rendezvous and Docking
Oral presentation at the conference
This work presents the general architecture and capabilities of the HADES software developed at Deimos Space SLU. Detailed models about the close proximity environment about Near Earth asteroids and the involved operations are often required during preliminary assessment of mission requirements especially under the presence of uncertainties. It is vital to assess the compliance to the mission...
Andrea Colagrossi
(Politecnico di Milano)
17/03/2016, 10:40
05: Rendezvous and Docking
Oral presentation at the conference
The idea of building a space station in the vicinity of the Moon as a gateway for future human exploration of the Solar System is being investigated since many years, and recently the attention of scientific community has become even more intense. The natural location for a space system of this kind is about one of the Earth-Moon libration points, in particular EML1 or EML2. Therefore, the...
Hancheol Cho
(Université de Liège)
17/03/2016, 11:00
05: Rendezvous and Docking
Oral presentation at the conference
Owing to the well-established correlation between spacecraft mass and mission’s cost, there is great interest in fuel-optimal relative maneuvers between two or more satellites in the literature. In this context, the exploitation of natural perturbations is an attractive means to reduce or even remove fuel consumption, and, hence, propellantless maneuvers using solar radiation pressure,...
José Vasconcelos
(Deimos Engenharia)
17/03/2016, 11:20
05: Rendezvous and Docking
Oral presentation at the conference
This paper describes the development and validation of a GNC for active debris removal of the ENVISAT S/C, using clamping mechanism. The design of the GNC is focused on the phases where the choice of clamp mechanism is of particular relevance to the ADR execution. These mission phases include the pre-capture, close range rendezvous with uncooperative target, the post-capture detumbling and...
Francesco Torre
(University of Strathclyde)
17/03/2016, 11:40
05: Rendezvous and Docking
Oral presentation at the conference
This work presents the general architecture and capabilities of the ATHENA software package. ATHENA is a toolbox for uncertainty propagation, gudance, navigation and control of single and multiple spacecraft with distributed architecture. ATHENA implements advanced state estimation and filtering techniques and a high fidelity dynamical model. ATHENA allows for the analysis of the coupled...
luigi strippoli
17/03/2016, 12:00
05: Rendezvous and Docking
Oral presentation at the conference
GNCDE is an integrated GNC development and verification environment, developed by GMV in the frame of an ESA-GMV co-funded activity. It contains templates of four different adaptable scenarios (Rendezvous and Docking, 3-axis stabilization, Formation Flying, Launchers), a complete set of libraries for sensors, actuators, DKE and GNC blocks, and a set of tools to ease the design and analysis of...