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Space Environments and Effects (TEC-EES) Final Presentation Days 2015

Einstein (ESTEC - Einstein)


ESTEC - Einstein

European Space Research and Technology Centre (ESTEC), Keplerlaan 1, PO Box 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, NL
Piers Jiggens (ESA/ESTEC)

A Final Presentation Days event will take place on 15th and 16th December, 2015 at ESTEC in the Einstein lecture theatre, organised by ESA's Space Environments and Effects (TEC-EES) section.

The first part (first 3 sessions on the 15th) of the event covers instruments being developed in activities overseen by TEC-EES with an introductory presentation from the section and also from the SSA programme who will make use of many such developments. The second part (last session 15th and all of 16th) covers software activities on space weather and forecasting, space environment modelling and space environment effects modelling.

The agenda is available from the Timetable links on the left.

Presentations are being made available from the agenda and shared with attendees and ESA colleagues. Prior to registering for the event (see left), please register for the event on Indico, even if you did not attend, so that we have you in our lists for sharing the material.

  • Aguilar Adolfo
  • Alan Owens
  • Alberto García-Rigo
  • Alex Hands
  • Alexi Glover
  • Anastasios Anastasiadis
  • Angels Aran
  • Athanasios Papaioannou
  • Athina Varotsou
  • Bogdan Nicula
  • Bram Bourgoignie
  • Carlos Armiens
  • Carlos Granja
  • Cyril Mangenot
  • Daniel Heynderickx
  • Daniel Pacheco
  • Denis PAYAN
  • Dhiren Kataria
  • Dusan Budjas
  • Elias Roussos
  • ErikH HEIJNE
  • Fan Lei
  • Francesco Cafagna
  • Hanna Rothkaehl
  • Henning Wulf
  • Ingmar Sandberg
  • Jaroslav Urbar
  • Jean-François Roussel
  • Johan Ideström
  • Juha-Pekka Luntama
  • Klaus Buchheim
  • Klaus Torkar
  • Mark Millinger
  • Massimo Gervasi
  • Mathias Cyamukungu
  • Olaf Hillenmaier
  • Patrick Brown
  • Pete Truscott
  • Pier Giorgio Rancoita
  • Pierre Sarrailh
  • renaud mangeret
  • Richard Cole
  • Sergio Ibarmia
  • Stanislav Pospisil
  • Stefan Kraft
  • Sébastien Hess
  • Tanguy THIBERT
  • Werner Magnes
  • Wojtek Hajdas
  • Tuesday, 15 December
    • Overview and Context

      Introduction from TEC-EES and context in terms of SSA given by a representative of the SSA programme. This will be followed by short executive summaries of all presentations in this year's TEC-EES Final Presentation Days.

      Convener: Dr Eamonn Daly (European Space Agency)
      • 1
        Introduction & Executive Summaries
        Speaker: Dr Eamonn Daly (European Space Agency)
      • 2
        SSA context
        Speaker: Mr Juha-Pekka Luntama (ESA)
    • Instrumentation

      Space Weather and Space Environment Instrumentation presentations

      Convener: Dr Alain Hilgers (ESA)
      • 3
        EUV Solar Imager for Operations (ESIO)
        Speaker: Mr Tanguy THIBERT (Centre Spatial de Liège (CSL))
      • 10:50
        Coffee Break

        morning tea and coffee

      • 4
        Next Generation Radiation Monitor (NGRM) - Phase C/D
        Speaker: Mr Klaus Buchheim (RUAG Space Switzerland)
      • 5
        Service Oriented Spacecraft Magnetometer (SOSMAG)
        Speaker: Dr Werner Magnes (Space Research Institute)
      • 13:00
        Lunch Break

        one hour for lunch

      • 6
        HOt Plasma Environment Monitor (HOPE-M)
        Speaker: Dr Richard Cole (UCL)
      • 7
        MAGIC (MAGnetometer from Imperial College)
        Speaker: Mr Patrick Brown (Imperial College London)
    • 15:40
      Coffee Break

      afternoon tea and coffee

    • Charging Tools and Simulations

      Software tool developments related to internal charging, surface charging and the charging of dust

      Convener: David Rodgers (ESA)
      • 8
        3D time-dependent internal charging simulation (3DMICS)
        Speaker: Mr Pierre Sarrailh (ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab)
      • 9
        Charging tools for the JUICE mission (JCAT)
        Speaker: Dr Pete Truscott (Kallisto Consultancy Ltd)
  • Wednesday, 16 December
    • Space Weather Software Developments

      Software models and tools related to display and prediction of space weather phenomena and events

      Convener: Dr Piers Jiggens (ESA/ESTEC)
      • 10
        FORecasting Solar Particle Events and Flares (FORSPEF)
        Speaker: Dr Anastasios Anastasiadis (National Observatory of Athens)
      • 11
        Solar Events Prediction system For space Launch Risk Estimation (SEPsFLAREs)
        Speaker: Dr Alberto García-Rigo (UPC-IonSAT)
      • 10:30
        Coffee Break

        morning tea and coffee

      • 12
        Space Weather HelioViewer (SWHV)
        Speaker: Bogdan Nicula (Royal Observatory of Belgium)
        Full online version
    • Charging Tools and Simulations

      Software tool developments related to internal charging, surface charging and the charging of dust

      Convener: David Rodgers (ESA)
      • 13
        Dust Electrostatic Charging, Transport and Contamination for Lunar Lander and Human Exploration Missions
        Speaker: Mr Pierre Sarrailh (ONERA - The French Aerospace Lab)
    • 12:45
      Lunch Break

      one hour for lunch

    • Radiation Environment and Effects Modelling and Tools

      Software developed to improve the understanding of the space particle radiation environment and to model particle propagation and effects on components.

      Convener: Dr Piers Jiggens (ESA/ESTEC)
      • 14
        Energetic Solar Heavy Ion Environment Modelling (ESHIEM)
        Speaker: Dr Pete Truscott (Kallisto Consultancy Ltd)
      • 15
        Giove Radiation Data Exploitation
        Speaker: Dr Alex Hands (University of Surrey)
      • 15:30
        Coffee Break

        afternoon tea and coffee

      • 16
        Updating SOLPENCO2 and New Analysis on Downstream Fluence (SOL2UP)
        Speaker: Angels Aran (Universitat de Barcelona)
      • 17
        Study of Ion Dosimetry and Track Structure for Nanoscale Devices (NanoTrack)
        Speaker: Dr Pete Truscott (Kallisto Consultancy Ltd)
    • Overview and Context

      Introduction from TEC-EES and context in terms of SSA given by a representative of the SSA programme. This will be followed by short executive summaries of all presentations in this year's TEC-EES Final Presentation Days.

      Convener: Dr Eamonn Daly (European Space Agency)
      • 18
        Speakers: Dr Eamonn Daly (European Space Agency), Dr Piers Jiggens (ESA/ESTEC)