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16–19 Feb 2016
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

D3P08: ARTES 5.1 - Converters and local oscillators for flexible payloads - RUAG (SE)

18 Feb 2016, 14:15
Newton 1 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 1


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
Oral Presentation


Mr Ben Jarle Imenes (Kongsberg Norspace (NO))Mr Hans Björsell (RUAG (SE))


The objective of the project has been to design, manufacture and test an engineering model of a new generation of telecommunication frequency converter and associated LO generator intended for flexible payload operation on-board future telecommunication satellites. This project is based on a new innovative converter architecture, for which a patent has been applied for. The concept allows for fully flexible payload architectures with flexible frequency settings. RUAG Space’ primary objective in this study is to show ‘proof-of-concept’, for the novel converter architecture proposed herein. The detailed design has been carried out for design elements relevant in order to understand the performance and limitations to this concept. The implementation is limited to the realization of one EM hardware demonstrator. A critical part of the development, was the design and development of the flexible frequency LO generation modules. This low phase noise and spurious free design was developed by Kongsberg Norspace. RUAG Space’ ambition is that the proposed system shall be an attractive low-cost alternative, providing sufficient flexibility to the operators, without changing too much of the existing architecture of bent pipe payloads.

Primary authors

Mr Ben Jarle Imenes (Kongsberg Norspace (NO)) Mr Grunde Joheim (Kongsberg Norspace (NO)) Mr Hans Björsell (RUAG (SE)) Mr Håkan Janson (RUAG (SE))

Presentation materials