Newton 1 & 2 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 1 & 2


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
Cesar Miquel-España (European Space Agency), Massimiliano Simeoni (European Space Agency), Petronilo Martin-Iglesias (European Space Agency)

FPD'17: Programme and Registration available at



The RF Systems, Payloads & Technology Division (TEC-ET) and the Payload Technologies and Products Section (TIA-TTP) have scheduled Final Presentation Days for Payload Technologies and Products on 16-19 February 2016. The event will be held at ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

Last year the event gathered more than 90 professionals from more than 40 companies/institutions and around 30 presentations distributed in 3 intense days of fruitful exchage (link).

Presentations will be given for a wide range of recently completed R&D activities, including those from ARTES Advanced Technology (formerly ARTES 5.1) and ARTES Competitiveness and Growth (formerly ARTES 3.4 and 5.2),TRP, GSTP, NPI, ITI and EGEP.

Participation is free of charge and open to attendants from nationals of ESA Member States.


Contact point:
  • Adria Rovira-Garcia
  • Alain MALLET
  • Alberto Tobias
  • Alexander Ihle
  • Alfredo Catalani
  • Amaury SOUBEYRAN
  • Amitabh Chowdhary
  • Andre Berger
  • Andrew Stringer
  • Antonio MONTESANO
  • Antonio Spatola
  • Ashley Cook
  • Aurelio Borella
  • Axel Hülsmann
  • Ben Jarle Imenes
  • Benito Gimeno Martínez
  • Benjamin Kawak
  • Benjamin Schreiber
  • Benoit LEFEBVRE
  • Bénédicte-Marie Folio
  • Cesar Miquel-Espana
  • Christian Schori
  • Christopher Topping
  • Colin McLaren
  • Daniel González Iglesias
  • Daniele Petrolati
  • David Gomez Otero
  • Denver Humphrey
  • Dietmar Schmitt
  • Domenico Mignolo
  • Egbert Jan van der veen
  • Emiliano Re
  • Emilien Lemoine
  • Enico Lia
  • Francesco Scappaviva
  • Francesco Vitulli
  • Frank Zeppenfeldt
  • Franz-Josef Görtz
  • François Deborgies
  • George Goussetis
  • Giovanni Toso
  • Hans Björsell
  • Harald Seidel
  • Holger Karstensen
  • Jaione Galdeano
  • Jan Stake
  • Jaume Sanz Subirana
  • Jean Parlebas
  • Jean-Christophe ANGEVAIN
  • Jean-Pierre JOËR
  • Jens Freese
  • Jerome Delporte
  • jerome soumagne
  • Jerzy Michalski
  • Johannes Harbers
  • Jordi Gil
  • Jose Lorente
  • José Miguel Juan
  • Jussi Varis
  • Konark Goel
  • Kumar Singarajah
  • Lara Arche
  • Ludovic SCHREIDER
  • Luis Roglá-Madrid
  • Manuel Martin-Neira
  • Marc Welter
  • Marco Belloni
  • Marco Lisi
  • Marek Peca
  • Maria Celeste Russo
  • Marina DiazMartin
  • Martin Sauerbrey
  • Martin Suess
  • Massimiliano Simeoni
  • Maurice Paquay
  • Michael Mattes
  • Ming Yu
  • Miquel Albiol Dalmau
  • Nasrin Nasresfahani
  • Nathalie CHIURULLA
  • Nico Gebert
  • Nicolas Delhote
  • Nicolas Le Gallou
  • Oleg Cojocari
  • olivier perat
  • Onno de Meijer
  • Orietta Lanciano
  • Oscar del Rio Herrero
  • Patrick DUMON
  • Patrick PIERROT
  • Paul McManamon
  • Paul Van Loock
  • Payman Rezaee
  • Peter de Hek
  • Peter Rinous
  • Petronilo Martin-Iglesias
  • Philipp Rieger
  • Piotr Skrzypek
  • Przemyslaw Kant
  • Rachel Welland
  • Ralf Boelter
  • Ralph Green
  • Robert Magiera
  • Robert Petersson
  • Roberto Dionisio
  • Roger Vilaseca
  • Rosario Martorana
  • Rüdiger Quay
  • Sandra Mingot
  • Savvas Kosmopoulos
  • Serni Ribó
  • Shubham Vyas
  • Sébastien Clausse
  • Tauno Vähä-Heikkilä
  • Tero Kiuru
  • Thibaut Decoopman
  • Thomas Plucinski
  • Thomas Reiher
  • Tom Mc Connell
  • Ulrich Jahnke
  • Valerie Dutto
  • Vicente Boria
  • Vincenzo Pascale
  • Vittorio Tornielli di Crestvolant
  • Yoann Marchives
    • 1

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      Piero Angeletti - Head of Radio Frequency Equipment and Technology Section (TEC-ETE) and Valerie Dutto - Payload Products and Technology Section (TIA-TTP).
      Speakers: Mr Piero Angeletti (ESA), Mrs Valerie Dutto (ESA)
    • 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      This activity presents a novel synthesis technique for Butler matrices that include filter transfer functions through a circuit based only on resonators. The Butler matrix is the fundamental building block to split and recombine the signals in Multi-port Power Amplifiers, where multiple inputs are delivered to a bank of amplifiers sharing them, and later recombined through an output network. However, to suppress spurious frequencies generated by the amplifiers or to provide near-band rejection in order not to interfere with other transmission/receiving bands, separate filtering is often required. Here, the traditional properties of the Butler matrix are included together with filtering selectivity into one single device based only on coupled resonators. An analytical synthesis procedure of the coupling matrix is presented here for the first time. The proposed solution has shown significant advantages in terms of size reduction compared to the traditional baseline consisting of a Butler matrix plus a bank of band-pass filters. Based on the technique proposed, three prototypes are designed and manufactured: a 180° hybrid coupler based on resonators and two versions of a 4x4 Butler matrix with filtering, built with additive manufacturing and with milling. Experimental measurements are in good agreement with simulations and theoretical expectations.
      Speaker: Mr Vittorio Tornielli di Crestvolant (Uni Birmingham)
    • 3
      D1P02: ITI - SUCRE Miniaturized and Self-Packaged Substrate Integrated Coaxial Resonator Filters for Space - Wave Adaptive Technologies, S.L (ES) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      A novel concept of band-pass filter using substrate integrated coaxial resonators is developed in this contract. These filters implement a classical waveguide combline topology into SIW technology. The outer conductor is formed by circular or rectangular rows of via holes, while the inner conductor of the coaxial resonator is implemented using an additional plated via. Capacitive loading at one end of the resonator is obtained using the fringing fields through a gap etched on the top metal plate of the substrate. Thus, a TEM mode is established along the vertical direction of the structure. This structure enables a significant reduction on the resonator size (i.e. more than 50% compared to conventional TE101 configurations), providing not only compactness but also improved spurious-free range and post-fabrication tuning capabilities. Moreover, it is possible to introduce magnetic and electric cross-couplings between integrated coaxial resonators using current or capacitive probes respectively. This enable us to implement advanced filtering functions with prescribed transmission zeros and group delay equalization in order to satisfy the stringent rejection and isolation requirements of most space applications. In this contract two 6-pole C- and K-band filters with challengin specifications in terms of selectivity and miniaturization have been designed and manufactured showing promising results.
      Speaker: Mr Vicente Boria (VSC (ES) , UPV (ES))
    • 11:00
      COFFEE BREAK Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
    • 4
      D1P03: ARTES 5.1 - Compact Ku-band channel filters for input multiplexer - TAS (ES) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The objective of the activity is to design channel filters for compact Ku-band input multiplexers using pre-distortion and lossy circuit techniques, with the objective of 25% reduction in terms of mass and size. Breadboards for the filters have been designed and characterized. In a second step, channel filters (EMs) have been built and tested for a narrow band and a wide band channel filter to evaluate the developed concepts and demonstrate the technology. Finally, limitations in key performance parameters against the mass and size improvement have been analyzed with respect to conventional unpredistorted Ku-Band IMUX channel filters.
      Speaker: Mr Luis Rogla (TAS-E)
    • 5
      D1P04: TRP - CAD of Multiplexers for PIM Measurement Set-Ups - VSC (ES) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      This ESA-funded activity focuses on the computer-aided design (CAD) of manifold-coupled multiplexers used to implement PIM measurement test beds. After a brief summary of the demanding requirements to be satisfied by such multiplexers, two novel topologies of rectangular waveguide filters conceived for this particular application will be shown. Next, the procedures carried out for the design of the involved multiplexers are outlined. Finally, the performance of several wideband manifold-coupled multiplexers, specifically for PIM measurement set-ups to be used in the European RF High Power Laboratory (located at UPV, Valencia, Spain),is fully validated with prototypes and measurements.
      Speaker: Mr Vicente BORIA (VSC (ES) , UPV (ES))
    • 6
      D1P05 - ARTES 5.1 - Compact Ku-Band OMUX with a high number of channels - TESAT (DE) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      As the telecom satellites become larger and larger the number of channels to be accommodated is increasing steadily. This results in output multiplexers (OMUX) with a higher number of channels and a larger footprint often together with operating power levels which are still increasing. Therefore the scope of the activity was to design a compact Ku-Band OMUX with a high number of channels. Two main concepts were considered in parallel in this activity: The first concept was based on a single mode TE01δ cavity loaded with dielectric with permittivity of 10 and without any self compensation property. BB filters for 4-2-0 at 12.75GHz and for 5-2-0 at 10.7GHz were built up for design verification. Furthermore first steps were done for mechanical temperature compensation. Unloaded Q of 30000 is possible. The second solution was based in a dual mode HE11 cavity loaded with dielectric with permittivity of 24 and property of self compensation. Unloaded Q of 9000 is possible. First concept has large dimensions and a not completely spurious mode free range in Ku-Band but a very good Q value. Second concept is very small but has the disadvantage of the low Q and high operating material temperatures. By combining the advantages of both concepts an innovative solution was found which will be followed up in a different program. Therefore the actual program has been stopped at this point.
      Speaker: Mr Jean Parlebas (TESAT (DE))
    • 13:00
      LUNCH Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
    • 7
      D1P06: TRP - Development of a Software Tool for the Study of RF Breakdown for Realistic Scenarios: Multicarrier and Modulated Signals - VSC (ES) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      Multipactor breakdown is an electron avalanche-like discharge occurring in components operating under vacuum conditions and high-power RF electromagnetic fields. The phenomenon occurs when free electrons in the device get synchronized with the RF electric field, and impact against the metallic walls of the component with enough energy to release secondary electrons from the surface. The growth in the electron population in the device can lead to one or several discharges. These discharges have several negative effects that degrade the component performance. Thus, multipactor is revealed as a restrictive limitation to the power handling capabilities of many satellite RF and microwave devices. The main aim of this activity is to design and develop a multipactor simulation tool capable to predict the multipactor breakdown with digitally modulated RF signals. This developed multipactor simulation tool is able to handle with any arbitrary digital modulation, whenever the digitally modulated signal is provided as an external file. Two different topologies have been implemented: parallel-plate waveguide and coaxial line. The simulation code consists of 3D tracking of a set of effective electrons inside the device for a certain number of RF carrier periods, taking into account the possible emission of secondary electrons as a consequence of the electrons impact with the component walls. Then, the total cumulative electron population as a function of the time is presented as the main output of the software. If the final electron population is greater than the initial one, a multipactor discharge is expected to happen. The multipactor prediction tool has been employed to investigate the influence of the digital modulations on the multipactor RF power threshold with regard to the unmodulated scenario. Several different digital modulations have been treated in this work: Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK), Amplitude Phase Shift Keying (16-APSK and 32-APSK), and Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (16-QAM). Moreover it has been considered Galileo Navigation signals. For each of these modulation schemes it has been investigated the effect of the ratio between the symbol duration and the RF carrier period on the multipactor threshold. In order to validate the theoretical predictions obtained, several experimental test campaigns were carried out at the joint High Power RF Laboratory established between European Space Agency and Val Space Consortium (ESA-VSC) in Valencia. Experimental data show good agreement with the theoretical results thus validating our multipactor simulation algorithm.
      Speakers: Mr Benito GIMENO (VSC (ES), UV (ES)), Mr Daniel GONZÁLEZ IGLESIAS (VSC (ES)), Mr Vicente Boria (VSC (ES) , UPV (ES))
    • 8
      D1P07: ARTES 5.1 - Ku-band OMUX 500 Watt per channel - TESAT (DE) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      Special applications in future Ku-band communication satellites require output multiplexer with 500 Watt per channel in contiguous frequency schemes. This is challenging because classical INVAR filters cannot handle the power and filters from aluminium show too large frequency drift. A suitable technique is developed to combine stability in frequency while not exceeding mechanical and thermal limits. Aspect of high power effects like multipactor in vacuum and corona at ambient conditions are carefully analysed to minimize a risk for RF breakdown during testing and operation. A narrow band filter design in Ku Band with 500 Watt input power per channel is manufactured and tested and can be used in contiguous output multiplexers. Temperature compensation technique for aluminium design in overmoded TE114 mode is realised. Main Benefits • The overmoded design in TE 114 mode with bandwidth of 27MHz shows a low insertion loss of 0.5 dB, corresponding to an unloaded Q-factor of 20000. • High input power capability of 500 Watt per channel. • Multipaction and corona effects are carefully analysed for operation in vacuum and at ambient conditions with sufficient margins. • Maximum temperatures including out-of-band carrier operation are below long term temperature limits. • Frequency drift is <1.1 ppm and comparable to classic INVAR designs • Low foot print of 110 x 60 mm per channel • Low mass of 270 g without baseplate
      Speaker: Mr Franz-Josef Görtz (TESAT (DE))
    • 15:30
      COFFEE BREAK Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
    • 9
      D1P08: ITI - Pseudo-elliptic helical resonator filters with improved powerhandling capability - SPACE ENGINEERING (IT) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The scope of this activity was the exploitation of the large gap approach as means to enhance the power handling of spaceborne helical resonator UHF filters, thereby simplifying manufacturing compared to partial dielectric filling approaches while not compromising on the unloaded quality factor. In earlier activities the capability to increase the power handling of helical resonator filters from sub-Watt levels to about 80W by means of introducing partial filling of the cavity with space qualified Rexolite was experimentally demonstrated. This activity focused on delivering similar power levels but in purely air-filled cavities. The activity commenced by the identification of the most critical region and subsequent application of the large gap approach for that region. For a helical resonator shorted at one end and open at the other, the critical region is the capacitive open end. In order to increase the distance between the top part of the resonator and the host cavity walls, two methodologies were pursued. The former involved helical resonators with modulated radius – so that a conical helix is ultimately obtained. This approach provides increased gap locally. Alternatively, the activity focused on cylindrical helical resonators but hosted in increasingly larger cavities. A range of prototypes was designed and analysed for electrical performance as well as multipactor threshold. The three most promising ones were prototyped and tested. The experimental results proved that power handling of 70 W can be achieved when the dimensions of the host cavity is increased (uniform cylindrical case). Meanwhile as a result of the larger cavity, this approach enables achieving higher unloaded quality factors. When compared with state-of-the-art prior to this activity, it was overall demonstrated that equivalent power handling levels can be achieved as with the partial dielectric filling approach with improved Q-factor at a cost of a slightly larger physical dimensions – together with manufacturing simplification.
      Speaker: Mr George Goussetis (Heriot-Watt University (UK))
    • 10
      D1P09: METOP-SG - C-Band High Power Ferrite Switch - COMDEV (UK) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The objective of the C-Band High Power Switch Breadboard Development for the Windscatterometer Instrument (SCA) of MetOp-SG was to demonstrate, by analysis and test, the feasibility of a partially magnetised high power low loss C-band ferrite switch for this application. The specified peak power (3.2KkW operating / 12.8kW multipaction margin), insertion loss (0.15dB) and operating temperature range (-40 to 70°C) specified for the predevelopment contract are a challenging combination of requirements but key to the overall instrument performance. From a design perspective this combination of high peak power, low loss and wide operating temperature range place competing requirements on ferrite material selection and geometry as explained below:- • Material selection – is determined by careful choice of saturation magnetisation, spinwave linewidth and Curie temperature. The choice of saturation magnetisation impacts peak power linearity and circuit performance. A design trade-off between Insertion loss and peak power linearity determines the optimum material spinwave linewidth. Finally the material Curie temperature places limitations on switch temperature stability and insertion loss performance. In practice a compromise must be made between conflicting requirements to meet key specified requirements. • Multipaction Breakdown – Multipaction threshold calculations for ferrite switches can be problematic. The combination of dielectric and ferrite materials and a magnetic bias field can result in the simplified conventional calculation techniques becoming inaccurate. To find the optimum solution a number of breadboard ferrite switches, utilising different material and geometry approaches, were designed, developed and tested to find the best compromise between insertion loss and peak power handling. These ferrite switches were successfully manufactured and tuned and exhibited the expected RF characteristics. Key was the trade-off between linear behaviour of the ferrite material in high power operation and low insertion loss which has now been successfully quantified by analysis and correlated by test. In addition, the switches were successfully subjected to multipaction testing.
      Speaker: Mr Colin McLaren (COMDEV INTERNATIONAL (UK))
    • 11
      D1P10: ARTES 5.1 - Lightweight RF Power Cables with High Phase Stability (HUBER+SUHNER AG (CH)) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      This activity focused on the development of ultra-light RF cables capable to handle RF power signals as considered for future telecom payloads. State of the art RF power cables have a serious limitation imposed by the poor thermal conductance from the inner conductor to the outside of the cable. This also implies poor phase stability which is an important requirement when combining amplifiers in reconfigurable or extremely high power payloads. Considering the use of MPA, it is expected a large number of cable assemblies which implies a significant mass. Therefore, it was one of the major goals of this activity to reduce the mass of the cables in the order of 30-40% and also to meet more stringent requirements on phase stability as compared to currently available cables. The remaining RF parameters should not significantly be degraded. Modelling tools were necessary for the prediction of the thermal, mechanical and RF performance of the cable assembly. Qualification models of the cable assembly have been designed, manufactured and tested. The most challenging goal was to create suitable models for the phase stability behaviour of a cable, especially the extremely important dependence of the relative permittivity of the dielectric material on temperature and (temperature induced) mechanical stresses that occur in the cables, an effect that has been mostly neglected in previous studies. Samples had to be fabricated to prove the validity of the models, and suitable materials had to be found for the final design of the phase-stable cable. A variety of engineering cable samples with different material combinations and various cable assembly concepts had been fabricated and characterised, until a cable design fulfilled the phase-stability requirements. All parameters of the phase stable cable are within or better than the specified values. The final cable mass is extremely low (48 g/m) and the very stringent requirements on phase stability (<500ppm in the temperature range -55 and +125°C and <1000ppm between -55°C and 165°C) could be achieved after a variety of design and material changes.
      Speaker: Mr Holger Karstensen (HUBER+SUHNER AG (CH))
    • 12
      D2P01: ARTES 5.1 - Adaptive antennas for telecommunication links - SPACE ENGINEERING (IT) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The growing number of incidents of space satellites being "hacked" in this last period has created a need for systems with Anti-Jamming capabilities, whose development has led to significant improvements in the quality of communications satellites services, becoming of great interest for all the operators. In response to this problem, it is relevant to develop electronic tools for attacking and defending satellite communications; but taking under control the costs, the complexity and the flexibility aspects. The selected architecture/configuration exhibits flexibility characteristics and it is devised to be integrated with an existing antenna system in order to provide protection features for the transponder against interferers for a 36 MHz channel. Using small adjustment, the Adaptive Antenna System can be integrated into the Focal Array Fed Reflector Antennas (FAFR) or also into the Shaped Reflector Antennas (SRSF): the first one foresees the introduction of a number (equal to the number of the feed cluster) of 15 dB coupler to extract the signal for the elementary beams; while the second one integartes additional feed around the main illuminator to the same scope. The performance are most promising with the FAFR configuration that is able to protect large coverage area (in terms of percentage better than 85%); but also with the SRSF it is possible to guarantee the same service in case of the interferer presence depending the accepted complexity of the auxiliary cluster size. An additional activity has been carried out in the frame of CCN; where a simplified architecture has been investigated to be applied to Shaped Reflector Antennas (SRSF) in order to minimize the digital hardware and to maintain good RF performance. The strenght of the developed system and the adaptive algorithms has been checked and validated in the frame of a test campaign, where a demonstrator with scaled antenna configuration has been tested in real time.
      Speaker: Mr Alfredo Catalani (Space Engineering S.p.A. (IT))
    • 13
      D2P02: ARTES 5.1 - Enhanced Active Rx Antenna System - EADS CASA Espacio (ES) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      Based on the heritage of ELSA antenna developed under the frame of ESA AG1 contract, an enhanced system has been demanded by the customers including enhanced performances. The evolution deals with the improvement from single pol to dual pol, increased band from 250MHz to 2050MHz, inclusion of geoloaction and beam Hopping. The activity includes the development and prototyping of the sub-assemblies considered critical, and the system level analysis based on the developed units, both accommodation and performances.
      Speaker: Mr Antonio MONTESANO (EADS CASA ESPACIO (ES))
    • 10:30
      COFFEE BREAK Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
    • 14
      D2P03: TRP - Lossless BFNs for Overlapped Sub-Array Antennas - SPACE ENGINEERING (IT) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The goal of the project was to demonstrate the feasibility and assess performance and development aspects of Lossless Beamforming Networks for Overlapped Sub-Array Antennas. Such BFN and Antenna configurations present several advantages with respect to a conventional active array, such as the significant reduction in the number of control elements (amplifiers, variable attenuators and phase shifters), the control of the pattern performance, the possibility to place the power amplifiers at sub-array input level, etc. The challenging nature of the project was urthermore amplified by the requirement to operate the BFN in dual-polarization. After careful trade-off between two lossless BFN concepts, a baseline has been identified in the chessboard configuration implemented in waveguide technology at 20 GHz. As next step, detailed trade-offs were performed for the definition of the key design parameters, such as radiating elements interspacing, number of levels, number of slots inside the couplers, etc. A topology based on one level (two sub-layers) of compact couplers has been selected, since it was demonstrated that adding more levels not only increases the mass and size but does not even help to achieve the desired amplitude and phase distribution at the aperture plane. A procedure for the efficient optimization of the coefficients has been developed, creating a direct link between radiated and BFN building blocks performance. Such a tool is mandatory when dealing with complex and computational consuming structures, as those involved in the lossless BFN. Using this integrated tool and accurate EM simulators capable to simulate the entire BFN within few minutes, the BFN components have been designed for manufacturing, supported by extensive tolerances analyses, multipaction threshold evaluations, etc. The key component is the 4x4 dual-polarization coupler that has been for the first time proposed in this activity in a very compact configuration, thus providing drastic (factor x0.5) savings in terms of mass, envelope and insertion loss. The BFN is fully modular. As mentioned before, the study was divided in three parts: a) Several BFN architectures were traded-off and their performance compared; BFN requirements were identified and consolidated. A preferred baseline solution was identified in the chessboard network. b) The baseline solution was deeply investigated. The detailed design of the breadboard was performed. c) The breadboard was manufactured, tested and evaluated; Lessons learnt and recommendations are drawn.
      Speakers: Mr Alfredo Catalani (Space Engineering S.p.A. (IT)), Mr Vincenzo Pascale (Space Engineering S.p.A. (IT))
    • 15
      D2P04: ARTES 3-4 - Development of a Large, Distributed Ku Band Single Feed per Beam Array - AIRBUS LTD (UK) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      In this activity the main objective has been to develop the necessary tools, processes and techniques to enable a generic capability for LMFA design. The initial LMFA unit to result from this activity cannot, of course, meet the needs of all future missions since the layout and scale of these multi-feed arrays varies significantly from mission to mission. However, the development work for this specific programme has enabled the definition of generic design aspects for future large multi-feed assemblies. The commercial programme for which this initial LMFA was built requires a large transcontinental coverage pattern. It requires an LMFA, housing multiple Ku Band linear polarised feed chain assemblies, pointing at multiple reflectors. The overall spacecraft configuration is driven by the need to accommodate several different antenna missions. This is reflected in the layout of the LMFA, creating a complicated feed arrangement that does not have a regular pattern or distribution as shown. Multiple feasible allocations of feeds-to-reflectors exist in theory; hundreds of possible layouts, each with similar nominal RF performance but different associated mechanical designs and different scattering environments. Selection of the optimum feed allocation layout is highly dependent on mechanical accommodation constraints. Obtaining an optimised feed layout early in a project timescale, that meets the RF and mechanical requirements, is key to the success of large multi-feed assembly design and to that end software was developed during the early stages that combines mechanical layout with RF performance. In addition to this software development, investigations were carried out to enable generic capability that encompass LMFA housing concepts, horn alignment and polarisation setting techniques, waveguide manufacturing technology, waveguide support development and the production of guidelines for future LMFA designs.
      Speaker: Mr Tom Mc Connell (Airbus Defence and Space (UK))
    • 16
      D2P05: ARTES 3-4 - Switch-able Sub-Reflector Antenna - TAS (FR) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      Satellite operators are pushing for a competitive communication satellite industry. On one hand, they look for rationalizing their fleet and require both price and schedule reduction. On the other hand, to keep market shares, satellite operators call for more reactive and versatile solutions to quickly grasp new markets and to adapt to the short-term evolutions. Satellite industry shall take up the challenge by improving both current telecommunication satellites and offering new generation of satellite technology, more flexible and able to address new markets. In term of flexibility, there is not a unique antenna solution for all applications. The degree and nature of flexibility within telecommunication satellites nevertheless depends on the final needs. The flexible antenna solutions shall be a compromise between the levels of achievable RF performances flexibility and some other driver parameters like cost, mass, power budget... This ARTES3-4 project aims to develop an antenna solution keeping the advantages of the “conventional” solutions (antenna RF efficiency, power handling, heritage and risks minimization, cost ,…) and answering at the same time to coverage flexilibity needs in Ku band. This new antenna solution called "Selectable Sub-Reflector Antenna" is steerable (pointing anywhere on Earth) and able to generate 1 shaped or pencil beam among 4 possible. The antenna configuration is a dual optics Gregorian, composed of 4 shaped sub-reflectors. The desired sub-reflector is positioned in front of the feed thanks to a rotary actuator. A new antenna structure has been defined, studied and realized. RF analysis have been done on a typical mission scenario to define the achievable performances and also to evaluate potential scattering impact due the new antenna structure. A new process of sandwich panel assembling has been defined and qualified. Coupled load analysis with several platforms have been done to derive the appropriate mechanical requirements in order not to oversize the product. Once the detailed design of the antenna has been
      Speaker: Mr Ludovic Schreider (THALES ALENIA SPACE (FR))
    • 13:00
      LUNCH Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
    • 17
      Q-band high power test facilities - Open Discussion Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      Speaker: Mr David RABOSO (ESA)
    • 19
      D2P07: ARTES 5.1 - Screw-less Joining and Flange-less Telecommunication Hardware - BAE (UK) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The objectives of the project are to assess and select manufacturing and joining technologies novel to RF passive space components in order to reduce mass, manufacturing, and Assembly Integration and Test (AIT) complexity. The project involved building demonstrators employing the selected technologies to quantify the improvements with respect to the current state of the art.
      Speakers: Mr Richard Harper (BAE Systems Applied Intelligence (UK)), Mr Tom Plucinski (BAE Systems Applied Intelligence (UK))
    • 15:30
      COFFEE BREAK Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
    • 20
      D2P08: ARTES 5.1 - Direct Manufacturing of Structure Elements for the Next Generation Platform - DMRC - University of Paderborn (DE) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The aim of the project “Direct Manufacturing of structure elements for the next generation platform” is to examine the ability of using Additive Manufacturing for producing structural metallic parts used in actual telecommunication satellites. Therefore trade-off methodologies to select feasible parts, test and verification plans as well as manufacturing strategies for space parts are to be developed. In a first step a trade-off methodology was developed and used for selecting sample parts of already developed satellites. Based on this procedure actual structure elements were identified and ranked according to two types: - Case A parts: identical elements applicable to each platform - Case B parts: more complex parts featuring a high buy-to-fly ratio Typical relevant parts are those with a high buy-to-fly ratio and time-consuming or complex fabrication steps. For each case one part was examined in detail. These parts were built in the Selective Laser Melting (SLM) process. The resulting improvements gained by changing the manufacturing process regarding costs, weight, waste and time reduction were figured out. For manufacturing of space parts there are special requirements like an extremely high reliability and lightweight design demanded. Additive manufacturing enables these lightweight designs but also requires a special quality assurance. Therefore a space dedicated test and verification plan as well as a special manufacturing strategy for both parts were developed. This will help to develop standardized test, verification and quality assurance processes in the future. For the examination of cost reduction for near series production of identical parts applicable to each platform (case A) the “edge inserts” were selected. They are glued into CFRP-panels and are used to provide screw holes for mounting of further parts. Due to an elaborating conventional machining and the ability to fit many items in one build job, a reduction of manufacturing time is expected. For the evaluation of weight, waste, time and cost reduction for complex parts with a high buy-to-fly ratio by use of an AM-specific redesign of parts, the “Reaction Wheel Bracket” is used. Four of these brackets are used per satellite to mount a reaction wheel for adjusting the orientation of the satellite without using propellant. The part was redesigned with a topology optimization to gain a huge weight reduction.
      Speaker: Mr Thomas Reiher (University of Paderborn (DE))
    • 21
      D2P09: ARTES 5.1 - 3D Manufacturing of Microwave Passive Components - TESAT (DE) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      Previous studies and research provided many consolidated findings about several additive manufacturing processes, possibilities for the surface treatment and the effect of process parameters during the selective laser melting process. Furthermore, we achieved some experience in the field of powder handling and powder quality and their monitoring. It could be shown that a thermal treatment by means of hot isostatic pressing and T6 heat treatment are mandatory. However, even by the HIP process it is not fully guaranteed that the components are completely free of voids larger than 200 micrometers. Furthermore, it should be noted that all the functional areas must be reworked by milling and tapping. Also, the surface treatment (chemical polishing and silver plating) of RF functional hollow structures can be quite challenging, especially for complex shaped internal geometries which are part of the goal of this work. The internal visual inspection of hollow structures can also be difficult. On the other hand, the manufacturing of mechanical parts like brackets does not constitute a real problem. Regarding the electrical performance of the manufactured RF parts it can be concluded, that due to the big tolerances (in comparison to mature milling techniques), electrical tuning is necessary for narrowband components. This step increases the post-processing time, increases the mass, and introduces extra losses, which reduces the advantages of additive manufacturing. To conclude, the production of RF functional components that require adjusted tolerances and reduced losses, such as narrowband components, is complicated according to the actual state of knowledge. However, good application potential is seen for wideband components that do not require so tight tolerances and surface treatments, such as switches, circulators, and waveguide runs, as well as for structural parts.
      Speakers: Mr Andre Berger (TESAT (DE)), Mr Jose Lorente (TESAT (DE))
    • 22
      D2P10 - NPI - Development of 3D filters made by 3D ceramic stereolithography - XLIM (FR) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The objective of this NPI activity is to explore dielectric filters using original 3D shapes. Additive manufacturing is one of the technologies used here for this purpose with a particular objective of creating filters with a limited number of parts. Ceramic filter are more specifically studied here in order to obtain compact and very wide bandpass filters. The creation of very high coupling values between dielectric resonators is particularly difficult and a specific configuration based on the stacking of TM010 mode resonators has been proposed. That approach allows the creation of very wide bandpass filter (> 10%) while keeping a rather good spurious free range and limited insertion loss. The proposed shape is very compact and can be built within just one part. Specific coaxial probes have been designed in order to provide the very high input and output coupling needed by such structure. 2nd and 4th order bandpass filters have been designed around 4 GHz and manufactured out of Zirconia (ZrO2) by additive manufacturing and high accuracy machining.
      Speakers: Mr Nicolas Delhote (Xlim research institute, University of Limoges (FR)), Mr Yoann Marchives (Xlim research institute, University of Limoges (FR))
    • 23
      D3P01: TRP - Millimetre-Wave Power Amplifier (CCN2) - TNO (NL) Newton 1

      Newton 1


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      This presentation covers the CCN extension phase of the 94 GHz power amplifier project. In the original part of the project, over 400 mW of output power has been demonstrated on-wafer from a single GaN power amplifier MMIC. The packaged single chip module has demonstrated 25 dBm output power. Furthermore a 4-chip waveguide module package with integrated power splitter and combiner has been realized, but unfortunately with unexpected high loss and poor performance. The extension phase has focused on increasing the output power by using the newest GaN MMIC processing technology and a new 4-chip waveguide power combining module design. The new module has a measured output power of 28 dBm, at 9 dB large signal gain (about 3 dB gain compression). With respect to the large signal gain this is a 6 dB improvement over the old module.
      Speaker: Mr Rüdiger Quay (Fraunhofer IAF (DE))
    • 24
      D3P02: TRP - Single GaN Chip Front End (T/R Module) - TNO (NL) Newton 1

      Newton 1


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      In this activity a fully integrated transmit receive MMIC suitable for application in C-band SAR phased array radar systems has been defined, designed, fabricated and evaluated. This MMIC has been developed with the help of the GH25-10 GaN technology of UMS. Use of GaN technology offers the following advantages over existing solutions: higher transmit output power, lower weight and size due to absence of the ferrite circulator and there is no need for an integrated limiter in front of the low-noise amplifier. Together with AIRBUS the relevant specifications of the MMIC for application in future SAR systems have been derived. At the start of the design activity the accuracy of the GH25-10 electrical models has been evaluated and a good agreement between measurement and model results was observed. The design of the chip has been performed in close cooperation between the UMS and TNO design teams. The chip consists out of a high-power amplifier, a low-noise amplifier, a transmit-receive switch and a calibration coupler. Two different variants of the chip have been realized. In one variant the gate voltage are generated externally and in the second variation these voltages are generated internally on the chip. Both designs together with the individual high-power amplifier and low-noise amplifier designs have been fabricated by UMS. The realized Single Chip Front End Chip and the test fixture used for its evaluation are shown in the pictures below. The measurements show that the chip is fully functional and complies to the vast majority of the specifications. An output power of 40-Watt with a PAE between 35-40% and a noise figure better than 2.5 dB have been measured. On the basis of the measurement results an evaluation of the MMIC results has been made and recommendations for future developments have been given by AIRBUS.
      Speaker: Mr Peter de Hek (TNO (NL))
    • 25
      D3P03: ARTES 5.2 - 50 W L-Band SSPA with European GaN Technology - TAS (FR) Newton 1

      Newton 1


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      In the frame of an ESA ARTES 5.2 study and with the support of CNES, Thales Alenia Space-France has developed a new EM L-band SSPA equipment using European GaN Technology from United Monolithic Semiconductors. This new equipment is dedicated to the entire renewal market of constellations of mobile communications satellites. The relevant characteristics of this new L-band GaN SSPA equipment are: # A GaN output power section based on MLA and HPA modules using the UMS GaN process and highly dissipative package solution. The power section includes also a high power isolator based on a vertical TNC output connector to facilitate implementation of the SSPA equipment during payload integration. # A low level GaAs RF chain including a linearizer module to compensate the non-linearities of the GaN power section. # An EPC-TMTC card dedicated to GaAs and GaN RF chain and designed to meet electrical&thermal challenges (new card vertically oriented to be compatible with reduced footprint SSPA and enabling an optimized thermal path and low weight design). # A vertical mechanical structure including thermal management solution in order to achieve footprint reduction and to guaranty a qualification temperature limits in operating mode from - 10°C to +80°C. # The EM L-band SSPA has been measured with different type of signals. With a CW signal, at hot temperature and in the useful frequency bandwidth of [1,518 – 1,559 GHz], the equipment delivers an output power of 43W with an associated PAE of 54%. Total mass of the EM L-band SSPA equipment is 1,3kg with dimensions L=240mm, W=105mm, H=124mm.
      Speaker: Mr Benoit Lefebvre (TAS (FR))
    • 10:45
      COFFEE BREAK Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
    • 26
      D3P04: TRP - TWT Diamond Rods - Thales Electron Devices (FR) Newton 1

      Newton 1


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      This project is focussed on the feasibility assessment to use diamond rods in the delay line section of high power tubes at TED. It includes the survey of existing technology, as well as the possibility of modifying it, in order to fit with the diamond properties. Furthermore, experimental verification had been demonstrated by material analyses of diamond rods, purchased from a reliable supplier. These rods underwent the necessary TED in house processes, in order to serve to the needs for a complete delay line. • In summary, feasibility was demonstrated by experimental verification of the theoretical assessment of the advantage by using diamond rods in the delay line section of a travelling wave tube. As a baseline for the study, a realistic test vehicle has been chosen, very similar to an actual built high power Ka-band TWT. From theory, for the helix support rods, two factors are important: the interface resistance between rods and helix/barrel and the shape of the rods’ cross section. The performed analysis shows that the diamond rods are compatible to a system with BeO rods, only with minor geometrical corrections. Moreover, the thermal and RF analyses performed, confirm the possibility of using diamond rods for high power, high frequency TWT families. • Significant progress was made by the manufacturer in order to produce the required geometries for the test vehicle. Actually, two manufacturers were identified and selected for rods supply. Rods have been ordered and delivered by both of them. Based on the specification, the compliance of the received rods had been checked and found sufficient, except some dimensional weakness, especially on the rods from one supplier (“Sabertooth Effect”). • Prior the assembly of the test vehicle (“DC-tester”), the diamond rods had to be treated according to TED process rules. There are three different process steps that needed to be adapted: (i) Cleaning (thermally and chemically), (ii) Coating with an attenuation layer and (iii) assembling of the helix system. The feasibility of diamond rods for all three process steps could be demonstrated. • Finally, thermal tests were performed with the assembled DC-tester, with the following results: a) the expected benefit of the diamond rods in terms of temperature decrease could be verified. b) The achieved thermal impedance for the helix/barrel system represents a 35% reduction by use of diamond instead of BeO under the same conditions, which is a huge gain.
      Speaker: Mr Harald Seidel (TED (DE))
    • 27
      D3P05: TRP - Feasability study on pulsed HPA for Ka-band SAR instruments - SELEX ES (IT) Newton 1

      Newton 1


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) are essential instruments for Earth Observation. Use of Ka-band SAR instruments imaging has been proven in various airborne demonstrators and instruments but, so far, it has not been utilized for SAR from space. The need of a Ka-band High Power Amplifier (HPA) with capabilities beyond what is currently available on the market has been pointed out by an ESA internal study on the feasibility of a Ka-band SAR instrument and interferometer. The key issue relevant to the Ka-band SAR is the availability of a vacuum tube amplifier given the high output power required. Main characteristic and design driving requirements of the HPA in subject are: • Carrier frequency: 35.75 GHz • Transmitted Peak Power: 3.5 kW (4 kW goal) • Operating bandwidth: 350 MHz minimum. • Duty cycle: 13% The feasibility study has been focused on the definition of a possible solution, starting from the available vacuum tubes technologies and defining the required development plan to achieve a space qualification for the identified one. From a review of the existing devices for both space, avionic and ground application, it resulted that there is not a technological limit in the vacuum tube technology to achieve the required performances in terms of peak power and bandwidth. Nevertheless the development of a new vacuum tube is needed in order to get a space power device and to achieve the challenging performances required for the Ka-band SAR. Moreover, since no European product is available to the purpose, either space or avionic/ground, export restrictions can be an issue, thus the opportunity to develop an European device for such application has been looked at as a further objective. Starting from the driving requirements, a trade-off between the TWT and the EIK was carried out resulting in the baseline where the preferred technology is the klystron one. All aspects related to the application, like the multipaction, the extended lifetime both in terms of operative hours and switching cycles and thermal control issues have been investigated to achieve a design baseline that will be the starting point for the following development. An updated technical requirement specification has been issued and a detailed development plan has been proposed to achieve the space qualification of the baseline HPA.
      Speaker: Mr Rosario Martorana (Finmeccanica Società per Azioni)
    • 28
      D3P06: ARTES 5.2 - Generic sub-elements and Ka-band LNA development - RUAG (SE) Newton 1

      Newton 1


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The project objectives were to develope subelements for future highly integrated microwave equipment. An EM of a Ka-band LNA unit for Telecom payloads were also developed and tested. Four LNA MMIC were developed and tested: 1. 30 GHz LNA MMIC 2. 18 GHz LNA MMIC 3. 14 GHz LNA MMIC 4. 6 GHz LNA MMIC The LNA MMICs were designed using the OMMIC D01MH process which is a very low noise process. Complete LNA chain BBs were developed to validate the MMIC performance in a typical package. The RF chain included a VGA for temperature compensation as well as an output amplifier with naked die transistors. Two linear output amplifiers were also developed and tested: 1. 12 GHz PA MMIC 2. 4 GHz PA MMIC The PA MMICs were designed using the UMS PPH25x process for high linearity. An LTCC package was developed to house the developed PA MMIC together with a driver MMIC. Finally a Ka band LNA EM unit was designed manufactured and tested. The EM unit included secondary voltage regulators, temperature compensation circuits and a hermetic package with the LNA RF chain.
      Speaker: Mr Robert Eriksson (RUAG (SE))
    • 13:00
      LUNCH Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
    • 29
      D3P07: POLISH INDUSTRY INCENTIVE SCHEME - Development of key technologies for frequency generators - SPACE FOREST LTD. (PL) Newton 1

      Newton 1


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The project motivations are related to the activities realized by ESA, also under the TRP program, to which Poland has subscribed. The TRP supports projects for deep space missions, where optimization of the circuit and reduction of the power usage is very important. A frequency generator based on the outcome of this proposal could be used in some upcoming ESA science missions. The examples are: JUICE, planned to be launched in 2022 and PLATO, planned to be launched in 2024. Both of these scientific missions will utilize the X-band or other bands for at least part of communications. After a successful completion of this and following project, thanks to long-term cooperation intensions of both RUAG Sweden and SpaceForest, the technology developed in cooperation with ESA and RUAG Sweden in this proposal could be further developed. We plan that the frequency generator proposed in this study could reach the TRL 6 or TRL 7 or higher level before the production of subsystems for these missions begin. Project “Development of key technologies for frequency generators” was focused on the design and manufacturing of a high reliability and performance frequency generator into a breadboard stage. The main technical objectives were: • design of all modules of frequency generator • simulation and optimization of subsequent version of generator subsystems • manufacture and assembly of frequency generator on a breadboard • verification and validation of a design by the means of a physical tests (measurements) according to the technical requirments. Project summary: • Three very stable generators were designed, manufactured and measured meeting very stringent phase noise requirements, • Most of requirements for the projects were met. In other cases small adjustments should be enough to meet all requirements, • Generator is already quite stable during temperature changes, • Continuation planned (proposal for TRL 5 & 6 submitted), • Potential possibilities to obtain frequencies up to 12 GHz without doubler (investigated for the next proposal) with the same transistor, • Generator possesses great potential for minimization, SpaceForest performed the project in close cooperation with a space sector company, RUAG Space AB / Sweden.
      Speakers: Mr Jerzy Michalski (SpaceForest Ltd.(PL)), Mr Przemyslaw Kant (SpaceForest Ltd.(PL))
    • 30
      D3P08: ARTES 5.1 - Converters and local oscillators for flexible payloads - RUAG (SE) Newton 1

      Newton 1


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The objective of the project has been to design, manufacture and test an engineering model of a new generation of telecommunication frequency converter and associated LO generator intended for flexible payload operation on-board future telecommunication satellites. This project is based on a new innovative converter architecture, for which a patent has been applied for. The concept allows for fully flexible payload architectures with flexible frequency settings. RUAG Space’ primary objective in this study is to show ‘proof-of-concept’, for the novel converter architecture proposed herein. The detailed design has been carried out for design elements relevant in order to understand the performance and limitations to this concept. The implementation is limited to the realization of one EM hardware demonstrator. A critical part of the development, was the design and development of the flexible frequency LO generation modules. This low phase noise and spurious free design was developed by Kongsberg Norspace. RUAG Space’ ambition is that the proposed system shall be an attractive low-cost alternative, providing sufficient flexibility to the operators, without changing too much of the existing architecture of bent pipe payloads.
      Speakers: Mr Ben Jarle Imenes (Kongsberg Norspace (NO)), Mr Hans Björsell (RUAG (SE))
    • 31
      D3P09: ARTES 5.1 - Converters and local oscillators for flexible payloads - TAS(IT) Newton 1

      Newton 1


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      This project has been aimed both at the fabrication of a full engineering model of a flexible frequency converter, conceived for flexible telecommunication payload and at the fabrication of European state-of-art large band VCO MMICs performing low phase noise. All critical items have been bread-boarded and individually tested. A full engineering model of the converter has been manufactured, assembled and the tested, including the DC-DC converter and the TM/TC I/F circuit. The main advantages over conventional converter units used for telecommunication system are frequency flexibility and low phase noise performances. In fact, the realised converter is able to convert any frequency in the range 12.75 to 14.50 GHz to any frequency in the range 10.70 to 12.75 GHz, and it is based on the phase noise cancellation concept, implemented by using a double conversion scheme. The LO1 and LO2 signals are generated in the unit by two separated PLLs, which only differ in the VCO MMIC operating frequency. The frequency generation is based on the integer-N synthesis approach. In order to achieve a phase noise comparable to the one of a single-conversion scheme, noise cancellation is needed and, as a consequence, the coherence between the two conversion LOs signals shall be realized. In this way, their phase noises can be coherently summed and then cancelled. In the designed converter, the PLLs coherence is guaranteed within the loop bandwidth because they share the same OCXO, as a reference signal. Therefore, within the loop bandwidth the phase noise of LO1 signal is partially cancelled by the one of LO2. For offset frequencies higher than the loop bandwidth, the overall phase noise is expected to be given by the summation of the one of the two VCOs. The noise cancellation occurs in the RF Chain Hybrid Module of the unit, where the phase of LO1 signal is inverted by the second mixers, while the phase of LO2 signal is not. Each frequency in the range from 12.75 GHz to 14.50 GHz (Fin) is converted in a frequency in the range from 10.70 GHz to 12.75 GHz (Fout). The input signal is down converted to a fix intermediate frequency (3.7GHz) and filtered by using a compact microstrip channel filter having a bandwidth of 1 GHzThe RF chain provides gain of 30 dB and a C/3IM=45dBc for two carriers at -25 dBm each.
      Speaker: Mr Francesco Vitulli (Thales Alenia Space (IT))
    • 15:45
      COFFEE BREAK Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
    • 32
      D3P10: ARTES 5.1 - Q/V-band Frequency Converter - TAS (IT) Newton 1

      Newton 1


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      In this activity the main objective has been to develop key components and a full Converter/Receiver prototype unit for future sub-system operating in Q/V band. The main task of the Receiver is to down-convert the band 47.2 to 50.2 GHz to the extended Ka band, 17.2 to 20.2 GHz, with a noise figure less than 3.5-4.0dB. The input section consists of a waveguide WR19 Isolator followed by a two-stage Low Noise Amplifier, which guarantee input matching and the best noise figure. Both items have been specifically designed and fabricated for this study by using state-of-art concepts and processes. The down conversion process is carried out by a MMIC Mixer having a sub-harmonic topology, which has been chosen to drive the LO input of the mixer at half frequency compared to a conventional mixer (15 GHz instead of 30 GHz), thus saving the use of a frequency doubler. The Mixer is a novel item as well, specifically designed for this project in MMIC form. The design of the LO generation section is taken from previously developed converters produced in Thales Alenia Space. As future customers are expected to request a phase noise performance out of the V-band converters similar to the one now featured by Ka-band converters, the design includes a Sampling Phase Lock Loop driven by a quartz oscillator, which is the best option for low phase noise. The reference signal is given by an OCXO (Ovenized quartz oscillator) at 100 MHz, featuring an EOL frequency stability of ±3ppm. The controlled oscillator of the phase lock loop is a VCDRO at 7.5 GHz (including a dielectric resonator) realized on ceramic with discrete components, which is locked to the 100 MHz reference signal multiplied by the sampling phase detector. The SPLL circuitry is implemented on a compact multilayer LTCC board for the sake of miniaturization. The LO section also includes a frequency doubler at 15 GHz, ceramic filter and buffer amplifier to drive the down conversion mixer. The output section at 20 GHz is identical to the one used in more conventional 30 to 20 GHz converters produced by Thales Alenia Space. It includes several stages in cascade: ceramic filter, flatness equalizer, variable attenuator for gain variation compensation in temperature, driver amplifiers and a final linear balanced amplifier, which drives the overall linearity of the receiver.
      Speaker: Mr Francesco Vitulli (Thales Alenia Space (IT))
    • 33
      D3P11: ARTES 5.2 - Development of a Novel Wideband Mixer for Application in Future Multi-Beam Ka-Band Payloads - Airbus Ltd (UK) Newton 1

      Newton 1


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The ARTES 5.2 programme was aimed at designing a Ka-band SSB Mixer to the conclusion of a fully analysed, manufactured and evaluated part. The primary challenge for the programme of work was to design and develop a SSB Ka mixer with low level spurious performance over a wide bandwidth. In summary, the key goals were :  - Design and develop a SSB mixer over the Ka uplink frequency band  - Produce a design tolerant to manufacturing and device variations with performance margin AIRBUS Defence & Space have been very successful in achieving these goals. More design work could be carried out to further develop the product into a single MMIC solution. The development programme has resulted in the design and development of a Ka-Band SSB Mixer, with inherent low-level wideband 5LO-RF mixing spurious whilst maintaining other aspects of mixer performance, for example low conversion loss and high linearity. Further work can readily be carried out based on the outcome of the performance achieved to implement a bespoke MMIC solution for improved equipment integration.
      Speaker: Mr Ralph Green (Airbus Defence and Space (UK))
    • 34
      D3P12: ARTES 3-4 - Quartz Oscillator Developments - Airbus Ltd (UK) Newton 1

      Newton 1


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The objectives were to develop four quartz crystal oscillators: • OCXO-U: an ultra-stable OCXO, based on the Airbus existing “FOAMO” product, for master oscillator applications • OCXO-S: a mid range OCXO for the most demanding frequency converter and receiver applications, beacons and less demanding master oscillators • TCXO: a TCXO for a wide range of applications including frequency converters and receivers and transponders • VCXO: a VCXO for a range of phase locked-loop and other clock applications This work was a follow-on from ARTES 5.2 Contract 23111/10/NL/AD which took the four designs to EM versions. The 5.2 work identified a number of specification updates and design modifications that were required. As a result further EM development occurred under this contract prior to EQM build and test. All development, assembly and test work activities were completed. EQMs were built for all designs and subjected to an environmental test campaign. The assembly process qualifications were successfully completed.
      Speaker: Mr Ashley Cook (Airbus Defence and Space Ltd (UK))
    • 35
      D4P01: TRP - Software PARIS Interferometric Receiver - Airborne Flight Experiment - Institute of Space Studies IEEC (ES) Newton 2

      Newton 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The aim of this project is to demonstrate the synoptic capabilities of GNSS-reflectometry from an airborne platform. That is, to gather simultaneous reflection points of GNSS signals on the sea surface with the aim of obtaining "wide swath" altimetric measurements. The final objective of such observation would be to allow the densification in space and time of future spaceborne sea-surface altimetry measurements to improve mesoscale ocean altimtery measurements. The remote sensing technique on which this project is focussed is the so-called PARIS interferometric technique. This technique consists of the computation of the cross-correlation between the GNSS signal received through the line of sight path and the signal which has been reflected by the sea-surface. The resulting cross-correlation waveform is used to obtain delay estimates of the time of arrival of the reflected signal, and from this to obtain an altimetric estimation. Prior to this cross-correlation, the direct and reflected signals need to be alined in the delay and Doppler domains (as they travelled through different paths). In addition, in order to obtain synoptic observations, the signals are gathered with two antennas arrays (up & down) and digital beam-forming is used to point to each of the pairs of direct and reflected signals for each transmitting GNSS satellite. In this project a high-speed data recorder has been developped, capable of gathering GNSS signals of two antenna arrays of eight elements each, down-convert the signals to IF band, sample and quantize the signals at high speed and record the signals at a rate of 320 MB/s = 2.56 Gbps during more than 3 hours. Also a software signal processor (digital-beam former, correlator, delay estimation algorithms) has been developed to post-process the signal. The receiver was tested in an airborne campaign at the Baltic Sea aimed at demonstrating the synoptic capabilities of GNSS reflectometry. The recorder, the software processor and the obtained scientific results will be presented. The technology on which the recorder is based could be applied to other areas where high speed data-acquisition is needed.
      Speaker: Mr Serni Ribó (Institute of Space Studies IEEC-CSIC (ES))
    • 36
      D4P01_P: Czech Republic incentive scheme - Optimal Clock Ensembling Algorithm with Robust Implementation - Serenum (CZ) Newton 1, ESA/ESTEC

      Newton 1, ESA/ESTEC

      A the Kalman filter (KF) estimators for both LTI as well as LTV clock ensembles of N arbitrary clocks has been derived. The developed KF presents a clean way to delimit observable and non-observable parts of estimated time quantities, and also to provide an LTI variant, compared to former GPS Composite clock algorithms which seem to be otherwise equivalent. A clock ensemble model was created to fit the supplied Galileo GNSS clock data. The same clock ensemble model has been applied to purely simulated data in order to check theoretical phase noise spectra against numerical estimations, demonstrating a good alignment between the twos. Both linear time-invariant as well as time-varying estimators were designed and implemented. A possibility to use the time-varying estimator to detect and mitigate measurement and/or clock errors (glitches and steps) has been demonstrated on different types of simulated fear events. Target implementation of LTI KF as well as LTV KF estimators for a generic clock ensemble have been created in ANSI C. The reduced complexity of the developed algorithm allows its implementation on FPGA and micro-controller based architectures
      Speaker: Mr M. Peca (Serenum (CZ))
    • 37
      D4P02: TRP -Micro- and Millimetre Wave Detectors - Airbus (FR) Newton 2

      Newton 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      TThis presentation reports on the activities carried out by Airbus DS SAS, OMMIC SAS and ACST GmbH during the ESA study “Micro and Millimetre-Wave Detectors” A081ET03. Two European technologies for direct detection have been developed and detectors have been designed, manufactured and characterized up to 166GHz, with performances comparable to non-European devices. In order to benchmark and optimize the detecting components, a set of criteria have first been agreed. Then, Airbus DS has relied on its expertise in direct detection to define the specifications requirements for the diodes, which have driven the component optimization process carried out by OMMIC and ACST. An extensive characterization campaign for both technologies including noise measurement and thermal tests provided input data for the components modelling. Two relevant frequencies were selected, 89GHz and 166GHz, for detectors design. They are of particular interest for meteorological observation and last development in Microwave Monolithic Integrated Circuits (MMIC) LNA made realistic at that time their utilization for MetOp-SG. Airbus DS derived detectors specifications from system level requirements and designed the 166GHz detectors, and ACST designed the 89GHz detectors. ACST GmbH, OMMIC SAS and Airbus DS have demonstrated the feasibility of European detectors for millimeter-wave applications, achieving performances comparable to non-European devices. To continue with the development of these detectors, ESA is currently funding reliability assessment of these detectors. ACST with Airbus DS have been selected to undertake this activity, and detectors at 89GHz are now the state-of-the art, and foreseen to be embarked onboard MWS and MWI instruments for MetOp-SG
      Speaker: Mr Thibaut Decoopman (Airbus DS SAS (FR))
    • 38
      D4P02_P: TRP - Development of innovative Atomic Clocks for Satellites - Spectratime (CH) Newton 1

      Newton 1


      The goal of this project was to demonstrate a mercury ion frequency standard (MIFS) at laboratory breadboard level (TRL3). The choice of using mercury ions has several advantages: - High clock frequency (40.5 GHz) in combination with a narrow resonance (1 Hz) resulting in high Q-factor > 4E10 - Low sensitivity to magnetic-, temperature-, and cooling gas fluctuations - Low sensitivity to optical intensity fluctuations (light shift) The combination of high Q-factor and low parameter sensitivity result in both good short- and long-term frequency stability. In this project we have build a bread-board demonstrator (photo left) with an intrinsic frequency stability of 3E-12 @1s and integrating down to 1E-14 @1day (graph right). Currently our data indicate a frequency drift of 1E-14/day. However our target is a MIFS with frequency drift 2E-15/day and total volume of 3 litres. This clock can be useful for both the ground- and space segments of Galileo, and serve as ultra-stable onboard clock for deep space missions.
      Speaker: Mr Christian Schori (Spectratime Orolia (CH))
    • 10:30
      COFFEE BREAK Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
    • 10:30

      Newton 2, ESA/ESTEC


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
    • 39
      D4P03: GSTP - HBV components for space – Initial definition - WASA Millimeter Wave (SE) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      There is a strong demand for compact, room temperature sources at millimetre waves and THz frequencies for various applications in space as well as terrestrial. At frequencies above 150 GHz multipliers are producing state-of-the-art power levels. Even though it is mainly multipliers based on the more mature Schottky technology, HBV based multipliers have a number of advantages. They only generate odd harmonics and can operate bias free, which simplifies circuit complexity. The HBV can easily be scaled by increasing the number of barriers to manage higher powers. With the advent of W-band amplifiers producing Watts of output power, the HBV tripler (x3) to 300 GHz and quintupler (x5) to 500-600 GHz seems as commercially viable products. In this project we have investigated a suitable passivation material for the HBV, which would ‘seal’ the devices surface, which could be prone to degradation otherwise. In addition, the passivation is expected to reduce the device leakage current that might further improve multiplier performance and lifetime. Finally, suggestions for taking the HBV multiplier reliability assessment further have been discussed at the end of the report.
      Speaker: Mr Jan Stake (Wasa Millimeter Wave AB (SE))
    • 40
      D4P03_P: NPI - Assessing the capabilities o f the life-Galileo signals to support centimetre level absolute positioning accuracy - UPC (ES) Newton 1, ESA/ESTEC

      Newton 1, ESA/ESTEC

      The research of this activity has been focused on the Fast Precise Point Positioning (Fast-PPP) technique. The novelty relies on using an accurate ionosphere model, in combination with the standard precise satellite clock and orbit products, to reduce the convergence time of state-of-the-art high-accuracy navigation techniques from one hour to few minutes. The first contribution to the Fast-PPP technique within this activity has been the design and implementation of a novel user navigation filter, based on the raw treatment of undifferenced multi-frequency code and carrier-phase Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) measurements. The innovative strategy of the filter avoids applying the usual ionospheric-free combination to the GNSS observables, exploiting the full capacity of new multi-frequency signals and increasing the robustness of Fast-PPP in challenging environments where the sky visibility is reduced. It has been optimised to take advantage of the corrections required to compensate the delays (i.e., errors) affecting the GNSS signals. The Fast-PPP corrections, and most important, their corrections uncertainties (i.e., the confidence bounds) are added as additional equations in the navigation filter to obtain Precise Point Positioning (PPP) in few minutes. The second contribution to Fast-PPP extension of the precise ionospheric modelling from a regional to a global (world-wide) scale. The correct use of the confidence bounds (sigmas) has been found of great importance when navigating in the low-latitude areas of the equator, where the ionosphere is difficult to be accurately modelled. Even in such scenario, a great consistency has been achieved between the actual positioning errors with respect to the formal errors, as demonstrated using similar figures of merit used in civil aviation, as the Stanford plot. A third contribution within this dissertation has been the characterisation of the accuracy of different ionospheric models currently used in GNSS. The new method uses actual, unambiguous and undifferenced carrier-phase measurements. This is possible thanks to the centimetre-level modelling capability within the Fast-PPP technique. Not only the errors of the ionosphere models have been quantified in absolute and relative terms, but also, their effect on navigation.
      Speaker: Mr Adria Rovira Garcia (Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (ES))
    • 41
      D4P04: TRP - Development of a 94GHz radar chipset - Arralis (IE) Newton 2

      Newton 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      In this activity the main objective has been the development of 6 different MMIC chips to complete a 92-96GHz frequency band RADAR chipset. These chips included:- 1) High Power Amplifier (HPA) 2) Medium Power Amplifier (MPA) 3) Multipler 4) Mixer (Upconverter / Downconverter) 5) Low Noise Amplifier (LNA) 6) SPST Switch Using these chips, the RADAR concept is based around an amplitude comparison monpulse system and uses IF frequencies which are compatible with existing lower frequency RADAR systems. The MMICs were designed using WIN Semiconductor's PP10 technology with the project consisting of 3 fabrication runs and over which all 6 designs were completed. All measurements were performed at chip level and compared to the performance required for the proposed amplitude comparison monopulse RADAR system.
      Speaker: Mr Denver Humphrey (ARRALIS (IE))
    • 42
      D4P05: TRP - Low-noise amplifiers for 300 GHz - IAF (DE) Newton 2

      Newton 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      This project aimed to investigate the feasibility of 35 nm T-gate mHEMT and 100 nm T-gate ABCS technologies for LNAs working at 300 GHz and above using European semiconductor technologies. Furthermore, the project demonstrated good performance of LNAs in a waveguide package by designing, fabricating and testing of low-noise amplifier MMICs for 300 GHz.
      Speaker: Mr Axel Hülsmann (Fraunhofer-IAF (DE))
    • 13:00
      LUNCH Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
    • 43
      D4P06: TRP - Frequency Multipliers for Sub-MM Waves - ACST (DE) Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      Schottky diodes are components that are used in practically all non-cryogenic millimetre and sub-millimetre wave receivers in Earth Observation and Space Science. While Schottky mixers have been shown to operate well at several terahertz, the lack of local oscillator power from solid-state sources has often hindered good performance at the highest frequencies. The objective of the activity was to develop two frequency multiplier demonstrators for Sub-mm wave frequencies (440GHz and 600GHz) using Schottky varactors, with sufficient power (5mW) to comfortably drive a Schottky mixer. While this appears a trivial task, the modest power of 5mW at 600GHz was, (until this project) an unreachable goal. The task of building high power varactor multipliers for the sub-mm band is extremely challenging. A design has to be developed which not only matches the extremely reactive varactor impedances, but also has to take into account the effects of severe current crowding and velocity saturation, which dominate the performance (efficiency) at the sub-mm part of the band. Much effort has also gone into understanding and controlling heat flow, particularly the 600GHz tripler, which is essential to the final efficiency and power handling of the device. A novel Film-Diode (FD) Process developed by ACST GmbH was used, which allows fabrication of both discrete diodes and integrated circuits for mm/Sub-mm-Wave multipliers on just a few microns thin transparent film membrane. This approach aims at ultimate performance at mm and Sub-mm-waves. A major problem in high powered multipliers is dissipating the heat of the input pump power which is not converted into output power. For the simpler doubler design, with only 2 diodes, the diodes are embedded in a thick beam-lead which is clamped between the two halves of the metal block. A peak power of over 10mW was achieved at 440GHz, with a peak efficiency of 28%. The efficiency and output power are excellent considering the high frequency. To our knowledge this is a record for a single (not power combined) multiplier at this frequency. A novel approach using thin diamond sheets as a partially substituted substrate was tried for the 600GHz tripler. The diamond dissipates heat from the diode anodes to the metal block. The tripler has a peak output power in excess of 5mW and an average power of 3.5mW. Efficiency is between 4 – 6% which is unprecedented for this frequency. The results track the simulation exceedingly well. The tripler was not fully saturated and we expect that with even more input power, up to 6.5mW may be obtained. These excellent results illuminate the path to substantially higher power sources at THz frequencies by careful RF and thermal design. First picture shows the 440GHz Doubler MIC. The second picture illustrates the 600GHz tripler MIC mounted in a metallic WG split-block.
      Speaker: Mr Oleg Cojocari (ACST GmbH (DE))
    • 14:45
      COFFEE BREAK Newton 1 & 2

      Newton 1 & 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
    • 44
      D4P07: TRP - Millimetre-wave measurements at MilliLab - MilliLab (FI) Newton 2

      Newton 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The work performed in the MilliLab Frame Contract (Millimetre-Wave Measurements at MilliLab) aims to the following goals: 1. Establish and maintain state-of-the-art technical know-how in the area of millimetre wave active and passive components and circuits as well as in the area of CAD, measuring and calibration methods. 2. Carry out the calibration, testing, modelling and characterization related services for ESA and for other customers. Primary service is given to ESA and customers of ESA. 3. Actively seek for customers, both in space and other fields. 4. Provide unbiased services to the customers and guarantee confidentiality on the activities performed and on the results obtained. 5. Be committed on continuing the services after the initial period of ESA support. In order to fullfill these goals, the Work Orders of the Frame Contract have concentrated in the topics including, but not limited to: 1. Improving on-wafer measurement techniques and calibration techniques up to 325 GHz 2. Improving electrical and thermal measurement techniques for state-of-the-art European Schottky diodes which are expected to be used in the MetOp Second Generation satellite instruments 3. Improving millimeter wave and THz noise measurement techniques
      Speaker: Mr Tero Kiuru (VTT (FI))
    • 45
      D4P08 - GSTP - Micro and Millimetre Wave RF MEMS LTCC Modules - VTT (FI) Newton 2

      Newton 2


      Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
      The main objectives of the MEMSMOD project was to produce hermetically packaged RF MEMS switches using LTCC technology and subject the switches to environmental stress testing. In the activity, RF MEMS switches were produced in two processing rounds for both 35 and 77 GHz centre frequencies using the RF MEMS processes of Airbus (35 GHz) and MilliLab-VTT (77 GHz). The 35 GHz LTCC modules were fabricated by Selmic, and the 77 GHz ones by MilliLab-VTT. The RF MEMS switches were subjected to mechanical cycling and elevated temperature tests at on-wafer level. The LTCC packaged switches were subjected to leakage tests and mechanical vibration and shock tests. S-parameter tests were used as an operational check after each stress test as a comparison to baseline RF performance. The packaged switches survived the stress tests without any significant deterioration of RF performance.
      Speaker: Mr Jussi Varis (VTT (FI))