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16–19 Feb 2016
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

D3P06: ARTES 5.2 - Generic sub-elements and Ka-band LNA development - RUAG (SE)

18 Feb 2016, 12:15
Newton 1 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 1


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
Oral Presentation


Mr Robert Eriksson (RUAG (SE))


The project objectives were to develope subelements for future highly integrated microwave equipment. An EM of a Ka-band LNA unit for Telecom payloads were also developed and tested. Four LNA MMIC were developed and tested: 1. 30 GHz LNA MMIC 2. 18 GHz LNA MMIC 3. 14 GHz LNA MMIC 4. 6 GHz LNA MMIC The LNA MMICs were designed using the OMMIC D01MH process which is a very low noise process. Complete LNA chain BBs were developed to validate the MMIC performance in a typical package. The RF chain included a VGA for temperature compensation as well as an output amplifier with naked die transistors. Two linear output amplifiers were also developed and tested: 1. 12 GHz PA MMIC 2. 4 GHz PA MMIC The PA MMICs were designed using the UMS PPH25x process for high linearity. An LTCC package was developed to house the developed PA MMIC together with a driver MMIC. Finally a Ka band LNA EM unit was designed manufactured and tested. The EM unit included secondary voltage regulators, temperature compensation circuits and a hermetic package with the LNA RF chain.

Primary authors

Mr Dennis Kleen (RUAG (SE)) Mr Fredrik Uddgren (RUAG (SE)) Mr Håkan Janson (RUAG (SE)) Mr Jonas Larsson (RUAG (SE)) Mr Martin Löfgren (RUAG (SE)) Mr Robert Eriksson (RUAG (SE)) Mr Sven-Henrik Wollersjö (RUAG (SE))

Presentation materials