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16–19 Feb 2016
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

D3P11: ARTES 5.2 - Development of a Novel Wideband Mixer for Application in Future Multi-Beam Ka-Band Payloads - Airbus Ltd (UK)

18 Feb 2016, 16:45
Newton 1 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 1


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
Oral Presentation


Mr Ralph Green (Airbus Defence and Space (UK))


The ARTES 5.2 programme was aimed at designing a Ka-band SSB Mixer to the conclusion of a fully analysed, manufactured and evaluated part. The primary challenge for the programme of work was to design and develop a SSB Ka mixer with low level spurious performance over a wide bandwidth. In summary, the key goals were :  - Design and develop a SSB mixer over the Ka uplink frequency band  - Produce a design tolerant to manufacturing and device variations with performance margin AIRBUS Defence & Space have been very successful in achieving these goals. More design work could be carried out to further develop the product into a single MMIC solution. The development programme has resulted in the design and development of a Ka-Band SSB Mixer, with inherent low-level wideband 5LO-RF mixing spurious whilst maintaining other aspects of mixer performance, for example low conversion loss and high linearity. Further work can readily be carried out based on the outcome of the performance achieved to implement a bespoke MMIC solution for improved equipment integration.

Primary authors

Mr Neil Faulkner (Airbus Defence and Space (UK)) Mr Steve Parker (Airbus Defence and Space (UK))

Presentation materials