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16–19 Feb 2016
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

D4P08 - GSTP - Micro and Millimetre Wave RF MEMS LTCC Modules - VTT (FI)

19 Feb 2016, 15:45
Newton 2 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 2


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
Oral Presentation


Mr Jussi Varis (VTT (FI))


The main objectives of the MEMSMOD project was to produce hermetically packaged RF MEMS switches using LTCC technology and subject the switches to environmental stress testing. In the activity, RF MEMS switches were produced in two processing rounds for both 35 and 77 GHz centre frequencies using the RF MEMS processes of Airbus (35 GHz) and MilliLab-VTT (77 GHz). The 35 GHz LTCC modules were fabricated by Selmic, and the 77 GHz ones by MilliLab-VTT. The RF MEMS switches were subjected to mechanical cycling and elevated temperature tests at on-wafer level. The LTCC packaged switches were subjected to leakage tests and mechanical vibration and shock tests. S-parameter tests were used as an operational check after each stress test as a comparison to baseline RF performance. The packaged switches survived the stress tests without any significant deterioration of RF performance.

Primary authors

Mr Bernhard Schönlinner (Airbus (DE)) Mr Jaska Paaso (Selmic (FI)) Mr Jussi Varis (VTT (FI)) Mr Markku Lahti Markku Lahti (VTT (FI)) Mr Pekka Rantakari (VTT (FI)) Mr Tauno Vähä-Heikkilä (VTT (FI))

Presentation materials