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16–19 Feb 2016
Europe/Amsterdam timezone

D4P05: TRP - Low-noise amplifiers for 300 GHz - IAF (DE)

19 Feb 2016, 12:15
Newton 2 (ESA/ESTEC)

Newton 2


Keplerlaan 1, 2201 AZ Noordwijk Netherlands
Oral Presentation


Mr Axel Hülsmann (Fraunhofer-IAF (DE))


This project aimed to investigate the feasibility of 35 nm T-gate mHEMT and 100 nm T-gate ABCS technologies for LNAs working at 300 GHz and above using European semiconductor technologies. Furthermore, the project demonstrated good performance of LNAs in a waveguide package by designing, fabricating and testing of low-noise amplifier MMICs for 300 GHz.

Primary authors

Mr Mikko Kantanen (MilliLab (FI)) Mr Petri Jukkala (Da-Design (FI)) Mr Sebasitan Diebold (KIT-IHE (DE))

Presentation materials