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24 November 2017
Europe/Amsterdam timezone
Artificial Intelligence for Space

"AI Planning & Scheduling for a new generation of Mission Planning tools" by Solenix Deutschland GmbH

24 Nov 2017, 09:50
Newton 2 (ESTEC)

Newton 2


Keplerlaan 1, AG2200 Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Intelligent Control for Space Session 1


Dr Nicola Policella (Solenix Deutschland GmbH)Dr Simone Fratini (Solenix Deutschland GmbH)


Artificial Intelligence has improved the cost-effectiveness and flexibility of mission planning tools design and development. This talk provides an overview of significant planning and scheduling experiences in deploying Intelligent tools to innovate the ESA mission planning practice. Specifically, the focus is in some key points that an approach based on Artificial Intelligence brings to Intelligent Control: the attention to domain modelling, the algorithm synthesis oriented to the explanability of the solution, the support for a mixed-initiative approach to the solving process, the relevance of user interaction services.

Primary authors

Dr Nicola Policella (Solenix Deutschland GmbH) Dr Simone Fratini (Solenix Deutschland GmbH)

Presentation materials