Session 1: Early Morning
- Celia Yabar (Moltek for ESA)
Guillermo Ortega
24/11/2017, 09:00
Introduction to the 1st International Round Table
Introduction of the workshop, objectives, composition, structure, speakers. Keynote speech about the current ESA understanding of the state of the art and the needs for a more intelligent control in the upcoming complex space missions.
Johann Bals
24/11/2017, 09:25
Intelligent Control for Transportation
Modern model-based control methods such as model predictive control (MPC), inverse model feedforward control, and nonlinear dynamic inversion (NDI) encapsulate mathematical model representations of the system to be controlled into the feedforward or feedback control algorithm implementation. Depending on the accuracy and the validity range of the embedded model, these methods can achieve good...
Nicola Policella
(Solenix Deutschland GmbH), Dr
Simone Fratini
(Solenix Deutschland GmbH)
24/11/2017, 09:50
Intelligent Control for Space
Artificial Intelligence has improved the cost-effectiveness and flexibility of mission planning tools design and development. This talk provides an overview of significant planning and scheduling experiences in deploying Intelligent tools to innovate the ESA mission planning practice. Specifically, the focus is in some key points that an approach based on Artificial Intelligence brings to...
María Victoria Lapuerta González
(Technical University of Madrid)
24/11/2017, 10:15
Fuzzy Logic Control
In this talk we show that the use of intelligent control systems based on fuzzy logic is a great advantage over conventional control systems currently being used in satellite attitude control, and open new possibilities of application of intelligent controllers in the field of space technologies. In order to develop and introduce intelligent systems in the space field, we have designed an...
Keisuke Sugawara
(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency)
24/11/2017, 10:40
This talk is dedicated to the efforts of JAXA in the field of artificial intelligence. And in particular about Intelligent Control using Deep learning as well as Reinforcement Learning and Machine Learning. The talk contains also the work done by JAXA on the areas of Onboard identification of target using Deep Learning and Machine Learning as well as in the field of Safety of Intelligent...