The Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference (SCTC) is an international series focusing on the science and technology of electrical charging of spacecraft by the space environment. Initiated in 1977 it has become a goal to hold the conferences with a periodicity of 2 years, rotating between Europe, the USA, and Japan. The conference is now returning to Europe following the very successful meetings held at Pasadena (USA) in 2014 and Kitakyushu (Japan) in 2012.
The purpose of the conference is to provide opportunities for the presentation, exchange and discussion of research within the overall sphere of spacecraft-plasma interactions, and their impact on spacecraft technology and space plasma science instrumentation. The charged particle environment in space is very diverse and impacts on spacecraft systems from plasma contacting effects to surface charging, and internal charging. The detrimental effects of spacecraft charging can impact the performance and survivability of spacecraft. Conversely, controlled plasma interaction with space systems provides a range of functionality from scientific measurement to propulsion.
The Spacecraft Charging Technology Conference series strives to be a comprehensive resource on charging science and technology, thus the 14th SCTC solicits contributions of new research, reviews of recent advances, and retrospective reviews of old work that might not be generally available today. Contributions are sought on a broad range of technology and science topics concerning the interaction of spacecraft with the charged particle environment, and environmental impacts on spacecraft to include:
• Spacecraft surface and internal charging
• Plasma and electric field instruments
• Plasma, ion, and electron emission
• Electric propulsion effects
• Electro-dynamic and electrostatic tethers
• Active plasma experiments
• Solar array and high voltage plasma interactions
• Environment specification
• Spacecraft induced environment anomalies
• Electrostatic discharge
• Radiation and temperature effects on conductivity
• Electrostatic properties of spacecraft materials
• Hypervelocity impact plasma
• Planetary environments (including charged dust)
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